Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Member Score On TheTopTens

Recently there has been a fantastic change to the site introducing new stats pages and scores/levels for members. How can you increase your member score? Look here for help.
The Top Ten
1 Make lots of comments

I am going to need a lot of comments. If you see me make a really short comment saying "this is stupid" or something like that, it was probably to get more member score.

Thanks for the advice. Now I'm going to make tons of comments. And I already thought I had enough comments.

Most effective way. I once added 600 comments in a day and my member score was raised with 48 member points!

Actually there's a difference between super short comments and long comments.

2 Make a lot of remixes

remixing boosts the member score. I know people (not naming anyone, you know who you are), who speedran the leaderboard by making tons of LQ remixes with no knowledge of the subjects and with the items usually in alphabetical order. Don't do that

Guess I should remix this list than

I love remixing

3 Create a popular list to make lots of votes

Took me quite a while to make any that really seemed to strike a chord with people.

I'm so lucky I have created some popular lists

But what if no one ever visits your list.?

But it's hard to make popular lists. :/

4 Make more high quality lists

There is a reason I don't make a lot of lists on this site. It's hard to come up with original ideas for a list that would work. The best lists are the ones that the user actually put effort into creating, with detailed descriptions, original ideas, and good reasoning.

Pro tip: Don't try to make hundreds of lists every month or have a release schedule (new lists every friday). Only release lists when they're done.

Make sure to go into detail with your description

I don't even know if mine counts as high-quality

I should do this.

5 Create a wider range of lists

We have enough music lists on the site (and most aren't even that good). Diversify your profile, and make high quality lists.

I mostly do video game, movie, world and internet related lists

I try my best to have some variety

Diversify your profile.

6 Add a bunch of images to every item you see that says "Add Image"

Well the thing is it takes an eternity for images to upload

But the problem with this is having to download the images.

7 Follow a bunch of users and expect them to follow you back

I'm very picky with being the first in the "follow exchanges", but I *usually* follow back.

Again, this shows how desperate users are for attention. You have to earn followers.

How do you expect to follow back?

8 Give your own comment a thumbs up

I only do that when I write good comments that I think deserve likes

So everyone will know how desperate you are for attention.

I only do that by accident. I'm not doing it on purpose.

There is no way this could happen.

9 Make more high quality posts

I've thought about making some blog posts recently, but I don't know what to write about.

I need to make more posts, but the stupid problems wouldn't let me.

I try to make high quality posts but they don't work

For every 10 HQ posts you make, you get 35 points in your member score.

10 Visit the site more

Well, not to be arrogant but at the moment (early 2019) I am like the most active user here along with htoutlaws2012

Maybe they meant do stuff on the site more

This doesn't do anything.

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