Top Ten Ways that Kids Can Embarrass Their Parents

I’m pretty sure all of you youngins have been embarrassed by your parents one time or another, but have you ever thought of it the other way around?
The Top Ten
1 Ask to buy a toy over and over again

I do all of this

2 Sing badly

If I had a kid and he/she did this, I would be extremely ashamed.

It's the other way around

3 Start crying for no reason
4 Play with things in the store
5 Break something expensive
6 Bring something and showing it to people

Once when I was little I found Playboy magazines in my mom's room (don't ask) and I showed it to her. She was SO mad...

7 Talk about the times when the parent yelled at them

I do this all the time.

8 Sing songs they don’t know are inappropriate

Do that along with everything else

9 Throw a fit

I've seen this. I think the onlookers are more embarrassed by this than the parents.

Then parents should discipline their kids, real good!

10 Not pay attention and fall on someone
The Contenders
11 Pick Their Nose
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