Top Ten Ways Kim Jong Un is a Bad Leader

The Top Ten
1 Propaganda is everywhere

Ever seen Squirrel & Hedgehog?

2 He lets humans be killed
3 He was in Switzerland and still there's no democracy in North Korea
4 'His' country suffers

Dear Kim Jong Un.
You are a young leader, please look at your country. Why do you enjoy eating in a banquet hall but let people starve to death? Why can't you just let people live in real human rights? Why would you want to murder the innocent? The truth is you would ignore these messages if you could read them and you deserve to suffer yourself instead of citizens.

5 He threatened to nuke the U.S.A.
6 North Korea is broke

They can't choose where to live.
Women can't drive, in fact no one can drive unless they live in the capital. Only the government can drive.
People going on holiday (vacation) there have a stalker, they can't enter or exit the hotel they chose to stay in. They need to stay with their guide (the stalker)
They can only have 28 hairstyles.
Oh many work on farms and must use human poop.

7 He lets people starve
8 There are still concentration camps in North Korea
9 He provokes politicians
10 There is no Democracy in North Korea
The Contenders
11 He told people to hack a parody movie about him
12 He kills people who watch porn
13 He's always on his computer

He's a computer addict

14 He's a greedy glutton
15 He won't fix the electricity in "his" country
16 People can't choose where to live

now people have nowhere to live in because of him, North Korea had gotten broke because of him and without him, North Korea will allow americans to visit and officers won't have to arrest him for their nationality.

17 People in his country have no freedom

North Koreans need to escape North Korea due to him letting them to be killed.

18 He brainwashed North Koreans to believe he was a God who could control the weather
19 He’s a power-hungry monster
20 He lives in luxury while North Koreans are starving
21 He forced people to cry at his father's funeral
22 His country is like 1984
23 The national intranet is called kwangmyong and is also largely dial up
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