Top Ten Ways to Know a TheTopTens User Has Run Out of Ideas

The Top Ten
1 Their lists become repetitive
2 They have to ask fellow users for ideas

I made a list with ideas for comparison lists. They're pretty weird ideas, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Well, I asked 8 people what songs they liked for a list...but, like, the list was my idea so I don't think that counts...

I get asked a lot. To be honest it does get tiring.

3 They don't make lists for weeks

Well they could, be thinking of a good idea for a list and it just takes time. Quality over Quantity

Mmmm when I make a list it may take a long time because I prefer quality rather than the amount I have.

I didn't make a list for one week because admin suspended me for that week

I have not made lists for months, so I do mainly remixes and posts

4 All they can make are remixes
5 They get brain cramps thinking about an idea for a list

This has happened to me before.

6 They retire

Not for me m8 that retiring thing is troll b8 or is it part of the Illuminati who's also another alien project

7 They ask you for ideas
8 They have trouble making lists

I have been having quite a lot of trouble making lists, even after taking inspiration from other TopTenners.

Perfectly describes me. I can never think of list ideas.

This is why TheTopTens shouldn't be popular

I'm running out of list ideas right now. :/

9 They don't have a commented list

What if your a new or underrated user?

10 They aren't creative

I don't publish a list if it isn't good, hopefully it stays that way... Though I know plenty I've made that were poor. But hey, I was new!

Again me in a nutshell.

Magnolia confirmed

Seems like that's me.

The Contenders
11 They make the list "Top Ten Ways to Know a TheTopTens User Has Run Out of Ideas"
12 Your Lists Consist of The Same Topic

This also describes me perfectly. I always make music lists.

13 They Add Justin Bieber

The person who added this is running out of ideas then lol

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