Top 10 Ways to Make Admin's Life Easier

Because admin is a real person behind a screen I thought we could make stuff easier for him/her
The Top Ten
1 Don't troll
2 Quality Over Quantity

Once admin approved my list within 45 seconds of submission,I asked how they did it,he/she told me exactly this, "It's easier to approve lists when everything is spelled correctly and the items are all appropriate for the list. ",so yes quality over quantity would make admin's life easy

Admin doesn't seem much concerned about this.

3 Be kind
4 Proof read
5 Follow the rules

Yeah exactly

6 Avoid starting internet wars
7 Use constructive criticism
8 Put effort into blogs

Here, too, I think they are happy that things are submitted, with "quality" being a bonus but not an important factor

9 Respect the policy (you can hate it if you want though)
10 Be a contributing member of society
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