Top 10 Ways to Make a Stereotypical TheTopTens User

This is not to attack fellow users of TheTopTens. I just see some things that are very common on the top tens.
The Top Ten
1 Be a metalhead
2 Hate all kinds of modern music

True. A lot of users are too lazy to look past the top charts and search for good music, and just declare that all modern music sucks.

Should be #1 because no one on this site really has much of a grudge on Bieber like they used to

This deserves to be number one. 95% of users nowadays say all music sucks now.

3 Hate rap
4 Add -Sucks to your name
5 Hate Justin Bieber

True and it's gotten stale.

Even more true.

6 Be a 2000s kid

Either that or you're a 90's kid.

7 Be triggered over anything
8 Add users to your "Hated Users" list on your profile over nothing
9 Hate Donald Trump
10 Make lists ranking users for anything
The Contenders
11 Be a weeaboo
12 Hate Something Because Of It's Fanbase
13 Hate on Teen Titans Go!
14 Everything you hate is always overrated
15 Hate Dora the Explorer
16 Complain about stereotypical stuff not knowing that they are stereotypes.
17 Hate Nicki Minaj
18 Hate MLP
19 Hate Loud House
20 Hate Frozen
21 Believe Rainbow Dash is a bully
22 Hate Danny Phantom
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