10 Ways to Make Your Parents Mad

The Top Ten
1 Make a big fire and plant bombs and everything

They might get a little annoyed by it but they would get over it quickly. It's not that bad.

2 Write or draw on a furnished wall

"Hey, mom, I got kinda bored with looking at our wall, so I figured I could do better. Check it out."
*Cue angry mom obliterating the entire house*

I did this when I was a little kid. I drew a bad rainbow and I thought my parents would like it, so I decorated the wall for my mom’s birthday!

3 Invite all of your friends over when your parents are asleep and rumble

Whether or not your parents need worry really matters how old you folks are...

What is rumble? Like the team rumble game mode in Fortnite?

4 Mess up the house

Once I was sick and I messed up the bathroom floor by puking all over it when I was 12 and my mom got mad at me for it :(

5 Hit them

If I hit my parents, I would never wake up again.

6 Tell them bad words

When I was younger I said 'STFU! " to them and I got slapped in the face and brutally yelled at

7 Break all your mum's and dad's things

But it would be expensive to replace and then there won't be money for fun stuff.

They are already mad at me whenever I drop MY OWN STUFF...

8 Go on their Facebook and make funny comments

That would be hilarious!

9 Spill liquids everywhere

Once on Chinese New Year I accidentally knocked a wine glass over and I made my relatives mad :(

10 Spit on the floor

I spat in public and my mom called me disgusting and unladylike.

The Contenders
11 Yell in their face

I did this once.

12 Give them the finger

And also the DOUBLE finger

13 Change the TV channel when your parents are watching something
14 Lie to them

Getting caught lying to my parents was scary - my dad cut a switch in the back and whipped me

15 Act like you are running away from home
16 Insult them
17 Fail at school
18 Scream
19 Yell at a little kid

When my cousins were younger they would annoy me and when I yelled at them, my mom would yell at me.

20 "waste" money

My parents are Asian and they are very cheap and are obsessed with saving money.

21 Receive gifts from relatives

Once my mom got mad at me because my relatives gave me school supplies and I got a stuffed animal for Christmas from a relative >:(

22 Roast them

I called my mom cheap during a family gathering and while it entertained my relatives my mom reprimanded me after the party was over :(

23 Send emails to relatives
24 Cry
25 Say “give me a few seconds”
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