Top Ten Ways Mexican Middle Schools Are Better Than American Middle Schools

The Top Ten
1 Better education

American schools are WAY better than Mexican ones. No offense towards Mexicans, but the United States is just a smarter country overall. Again, I'm sure there are plenty of smart Mexicans out there, but OVERALL.

The American Education System is just a huge oxymoron. I would know because I'm American and I hate my education quality.

Lol in Mexico they don't care if you don't go to school or not, you won't go to jail unlike America

2 Less bullying
3 No popular people
4 Bilingual
5 No mean teachers
6 No groups
7 Easier schoolwork
8 Better lunch/food
9 A LOT fewer Directioners and Beliebers
10 Fewer racist teenagers
The Contenders
11 Nicer kids
12 They work harder for less
13 A lot fewer Twenty One Pilots fans

Twenty one pilots isn't bad. But yes, sadly there are fewer.

14 You get nap time through college
15 A lot fewer Gravity Falls fans
16 A lot fewer Fortnite fans
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