Top 10 Ways to Stop an Alien Invasion

Aliens I don't know if they are bad or good but in this list they are diabolic predators so how to stop it? Check it out
The Top Ten
1 Kill Them With Fire

1. Aliens or whatever they are could never reach this galaxy, to our planet.
2. We do not know how they behave.
3. So we do not know if they would invade.
4.You watch too much sci-fi.
5.This list was probably made as a joke because its impossible for aliens to come.

2 Drown Them In The River

Sorry, this isn't Signs.M. Night Shyamalan is a terrible director.

What if they can breath underwater.

But if they can swim, you are dead!

3 Kill Them With Snowballs

But surely they will retaliate with their more advanced technology.

I think Aliens from outer space don't like snow

4 Infect Them With Human Germs

This will be effective since aliens haven't evolved to repel this form of attack

5 Compel Them To Listen To Horrible Songs

Play it music by Lil Wayne and Miley Cyrus and they gonna die to it

6 Make A Computer Virus To Stop His Technological Devices
7 Activate A Nuclear Explosion

This could be very wrong but if they can not stop the aliens do this

8 Call PositronWildhawk For Help

At least Please call him Before you activate the nuclear explosion...

I saw a list that said he is an alien well help us out! Positron

But apparently, he is an alien!

9 Tell Them That The Chupacabra Is Coming For Them
10 Call Chuck Norris
The Contenders
11 Make Peace with Them

That would be better and we could be allies with them

12 Steal one of their ships and start a huge, epic dogfight
13 Kill Them with Justin Bieber Music

Down with the aliens!

14 Kill One of Them and Take Their Weapon
15 Stomp On Them
16 Eat Them
17 Blast Death Metal on the World’s Most Powerful Speaker
18 Throw Nokia 3310s at them
19 Run Them Over with a Vehicle
20 Get Jackie Chan
21 Return Their Lost Child
22 Throw Salt at Them

Their skin will burn. (trust me I know.)

23 Shoot Them With Poison Darts
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