Top Ten Ways to Tell If Your Best Friend is Ditching You

Do you have a best friend you think is ditching you? Here's how to tell.
The Top Ten
1 They never hang out with you in their free time

Note to visitors,please note I said free time,so don't think because of classes

2 They don't invite you to their birthday party

Unless it's a family party

3 They don't sit at your lunch table for a long time

Unless he has lunch detention or something

4 They are friends with your enemies
5 They never help you with anything
6 They never pick you when they are a team captain
7 They makes a *sigh* when you come towards them

A sigh is a face that means annoyed

8 They don't like to play online multiplayer with you

In a video game...

9 They are always sarcastic around you

Friends usually use sarcasm to hide the fact their bored with you spending time with them

10 They never like your opinions

Not about foods or sports,I mean personal topics for opinions

The Contenders
11 They never have your back
12 They only want to see/hang out with you if they want a favor
13 If they don’t text you or call you
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