Top 10 Ways to Tell When You’re Not a Kid Anymore

Hey kids. Today I’m going to tell you about some signs to look out for that will tell you that you’re not a kid anymore, so without further ado, here we go! Note: This list was made for comedy purposes, so don’t get butt hurt. Well, you can, but I won’t listen. Lolololololololol
The Top Ten
1 You moved out of your parents’ house.

Yep. You’re eventually on your own. At least school gave you a favor for developing responsibility.

I still living with my mom today, but one day I will probably move out

2 You’re out of your TheTopTens phase
3 Everybody is asking you if you got a job yet
4 You can butt into adult conversations

I've been able to do this since I was a little kid. I'm guessing it helps that I'm socially awkward and also an only child.

5 You can get your adult passport
6 You turned 18

Happy 18th birthday son. Now you can move out!

7 You turned 19

That means I'm not a kid anymore. I even turn 20 soon.

8 You turned an age that doesn’t end with “teen” anymore
9 Your family encourages you to drink

If your family encourages you to drink, they either hate kids, or they loved you as a little kid, but then you got old, so they now hate you and want you to lose your liver and die... Slowly and painfully.

10 If an older man has sex you, it’s no longer considered pedophilia.
The Contenders
11 When you're paying bills

Paying bills has to suck.

12 You’ve graduated High School

This makes me realize how June 2024 is so close, yet so far from now.

I graduated high school in 2017 and crazy to think it almost 5 years ago already, time flies

13 You can drive

I can imagine how cool it would be to drive around in my own 2006 model car.

14 You don't trick-or-treat anymore
15 You get annoyed by kids
16 You have grown pubic hair
17 If you are past 11 yrs
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