Best Ways to Trigger Oversensitive People

Oversensitive people (Also known as Hypersensitive people) are nothing but parasites. Here are the best ways to trigger them.

Also note: I know not all sensitive people are bad but this list is aimed towards the oversensitive types
The Top Ten
1 Tell them facts they don't like

Like seriously there are people who get offended over statements like "there is only 2 genders" or "evolution is real" despite the fact that those 2 statements are true in every sense.
Oh well,at least you can get a good laugh.

If your best method to talking a hypersensitive person is to purposely make them angry because of how easily exploitable it is, that makes you no better.

Such as there are only two genders, you should vacinate your kid, white people are people too, etc.

Is this about trump supporters, I know they don't like facts

2 Use constructive criticism

It can be nice or harsh.Oversensitive people get triggered over both which proves that they are basically real life mary sues.

Honestly I don't know why you want to get a lecture from some rando about whatever they believe

3 Tell them facts matter more than feelings

Another fact they don't like as they will put their feelings above facts.

There's not a single sjw that believes this, haha

Facts don't care about your feelings!

4 Tell them jokes

Are you talking about telling a joke or just saying something mean and pretending it is a joke

Especially edgy jokes but even jokes that aren't edgy can piss them off.

5 Tell them screaming "fake news" and throwing a temper tantrum isn't a proper way to respond the criticism

If anything it will make people criticize you even more because you're being immature

Another point for my this is about Trump Supporters thing

6 Swear

My classmate got offended when I called her a thot because she intentionally put her zipper down in an attempt to show off her breasts.

I don't swear but all these oversensitive swearing haters need to grow up.They treat swearing as if it's worse than actual problems like war,poverty,etc.

7 Share a different opinion

TheTopTens in a nutshell. If you like pop music, Swords Art Online, Serena from Pokemon, Nickelback, Frozen, or anything else considered "overrated," you're not gonna have a good time.

Firemist's and my school friend/bully hate our opinions. When I try to back up firemist's opinion at school, she gets triggered, since I'm sorta the peace treaty between her and firemist

They will often scream "HATE SPEECH" even though hate speech is stuff that's racist,sexist,homophobic,etc not opinions you don't like.

8 Tell them the world isn't just sunshine and lollipops

The world and life can also suck because of war,poverty,etc so yeah.

9 Play a Rated M game

They think that a game or movie is bad just because it is rated M or rated R.

There are tons of good R rated movies like Terminator,Deadpool,Enter The Dragon,etc
There are also good M rated game series like Devil May Cry,Battlefield,etc.

Just because a game or movies has a bit of violence or has a few sexual things doesn't make it mad(In fact the latter,sex is the reason why people are even alive in the first place)

10 Tell them that there are only two genders

This is part of the "tell them facts they don't like" thing

This is good if you don't mind hearing why your wrong

Well there are.

The Contenders
11 Make troll top 10 lists

BarneyTheDinosaurRocks and HenryDangerIsGreat trolled lot's of mediocre oversensitive users and I salute them for that.

12 Tell them that Antifa is ironically quite violent
13 Tell them that America was one of the first countries to end slavery.

1819- Canada declares slaves free
1834- Britain outlaws slavery in colonies
1848- France abolishes slavery in colonies
1863- Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation in USA
1868- Cuba frees slaves
1869- All territories of Portugal free slaves
1882- Turkey [Ottoman Empire] emancipates slaves
1888- Brazil abolishes slavery
Things moved slowly in the 1800's, but most nations were going that direction.

You: (what was said above)
SJW: Well...ummm...well you’re a misogynistic privileged white man, so your opinion is invalid! You homophobic white supremacist!

14 Tell them that Black, Asian, Hispanic and White lives matter
15 Don't talk to them

You're a genius! I get mega triggered when some random dude just wants attention or is triggering and they ignore me. They don't talk to me.

I'm oversensitive and I LOVE it when people don't talk to me. so yeah.

16 Force them to listen to Cardi B songs

But what if they like Cardi B?

17 Tell them you need gender dysphoria to be transgender
18 Make a slightly dark joke.
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