Top Ten Ways You Can Tell a Woman Is a Lesbian

The Top Ten
1 The Way She Looks at Women

This is probably one of the only things on the list that is true. Some women don't touch or flirt withother woman becasue (drumroll) anxiety, so they stare at the women. Also looks and tastes in music and stuff aren't factors. And lesbians don't hate men, just as Straight girls don't hate women

This list is kinda weird...

Been there. Done that.

2 The Way She Touches Other Women
3 Always Flirting With Women

Wow, this one is really weird.

4 Has Short Hair

what about the femmes?

Lesbian =/= short hair

5 Hangs Around a Certain Girl

They could be friends

6 She's a Feminist

Not all feminists are lesbians and not all lesbians are feminists

7 Has Short Nails
8 Has a Rough Voice
9 She Says She's a Lesbian

Uh of course lol.

10 She Treats Men with Hate

excuse me, I'm a lesbian and I have so many male friends

Many lesbians are friends with men

The Contenders
11 Her Clothes & Style

How does that determine your sexuality?

12 She Drives a Subaru

My mom drives a Subaru and she is the straightest person ever

13 She Goes on Tumblr

Not all lesbians go on Tumblr

14 Her Taste for Music & Movies

How does this relate?

15 Her Face Turns Red After You Talk About a Girl

it is a physical impossibility for me to go red, since I am black, but if a was white... yeh..

This one is obvious

16 She Does the Hand Thing at the Ding on Kiss Me More
17 She's Open with Guys on Her Relationship Status
18 She Wears Flannel
19 She is Only Into Girls
20 She Plays Soccer
21 She Kissed a Girl
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