Top 10 Ways Your Parents Can Embarrass You

The Top Ten
1 Sing a song in public about you as a baby
2 Dress up in an embarrassing costume

My mom was going to dress up in a dinosaur costume to go to the airport.

3 Call you a babyish nickname
4 Show people a slide show of your baby pictures

Oh my god! Just No!

5 Bring stuffed animals out to places and make them annoy people

One time, my mom brought a stuffed mosquito to the grocery store and made it sting people. That was the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to me.

6 Hug and kiss you in a public place

@WWEWBMortalKombatFan-what if your friends from school sees it?

What wrong with that?

7 Take you to babyish movies
8 Tell random people embarrassing stories about you

Once, when I was very young, my mom farted and I smelled it and thought it was taco bell. For the next few years, she never stopped telling everyone.

Oh mom does it all the time during family gathering!

UGH! I hate it when they do that! Like just shut up!

9 Tell one of your embarrassing moments to your crush

I'd be embarrassed by that too.

10 Talk loudly about babyish shows you used to watch
The Contenders
11 Ask you to help them with something easy on their phone and then tell everyone you should get a job in technology
12 Tell relatives an embarrassing story about your childhood in public

This happened once while on a vacation to LA and I wanted to hide my face in embarrassment!

13 Complain about what kids do nowadays
14 Force you on baby rides at amusement parks
15 Speak to you in baby talk

My parents don't do this, but my relatives do... I'm 26.

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