Top Ten Best Weapons to Destroy the Human Race

The Top Ten
1 Death Star Cannon

Figured this would have a pokemon reference in it but...naw

I'll use this to destroy Justin Beiber

2 Psychic Storm

Yes this will be a good weapon to use. It will control and make every one fight

This list is creepy

3 Earthquake Machine

It will shack the earth to nothing

4 Ticking Bomb
5 Water Machine

This list is pretty cool... we can kill Beiber

6 Weather Control Device
7 Nuclear Missile

nuclear missiles aren't the only weapons capable of ending things, there's weaponry in space which have been secretly established by various governments all over the world, the California fires are warfare from rival nations declaring war against the west & against United States of America, the Cali fires are from weaponized Russian/Chinese satellites targeting United States of America. there's weapons in space from billionaires which are capable enough of destroying entire planets/moons at their disposal, the individuals in question would never confirm the existence of these planet/moon killer devices/weapons, anyone who achieves/accomplishes billionaire status has access to galactic markets that is never available to the average planetary populace citizen, the Milky Way is only a small fry shrimp when it comes to size compared to the rest of the universe & billionaires have access to information that's beyond normal which that normal is closer to the 69th century or 666th century when it comes to the information & resources they receive. billionaires have access to devices that displays what the continuum of the universe looks like, billionaires own personal portals/stargates & the technology is exclusively only available to people of that class, millionaires own slightly inferior versions of those portals/stargates, the government colors up the evidence of that technology becomes celebrities are idolized as Queens/Kings by the supermajority of the general masses.

8 Ion Cannon
9 Alien Mother Ship Beam
10 Black Hole Creating Device

If I had one of these. All my problems will be gone

Where can I buy one?

The Contenders
11 Chemical Missile
12 Tsar Bomba
13 Planet Buster
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