Top Ten Weapons in the Red Dead Redemption Franchise

A list of these fashioned instruments of the Old West gunslinging lifestyle in the game franchise.
The Top Ten
1 Schofield Revolver

One of the best revolvers ever in the game, Schofield is very well-known from legendary gunslinger Landon Ricketts and it pack an incredible hit on enemies with great accuracy and well-aimed.

2 Bolt Action Rifle

The strongest attack rifles in the game, Bolt Action hits the enemies like lightning and it's well-used from the isle of Guarma.

3 Litchfield Repeater

A fascinating repeater with raging hits and to be honest it's one of my favorite repeaters.

4 Volcanic Pistol

One of the strongest pistols to used, Volcanic makes more damage on the enemies and of course it's worth it to use in action.

5 Carcano Rifle

A fast-loading scoped-rifle that takes out more enemies than it can chewed.

6 Bow and Arrows

Best used for hunting animals, but it contains different variety of arrows that includes poison, fire and dynamite.

7 Repeating Shotgun

Was gonna put Semi-Automatic down here (it will be added once list approves), but Repeating has an edge for hitting faster shots on enemies.

8 Lancaster Repeater

A cousin of Litchfield, but has little lower damage stat. Still a good, descent repeater.

9 Sawed-Off Shotgun
10 Semi-Automatic Shotgun
The Contenders
11 Evans Repeater
12 Rolling Block Rifle
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