Top Ten Weird Things That Happen When You're Sleep Deprived

The Top Ten
1 Hallucinations

One time, I was really sleepy and I looked near the corner of my bed, I saw a head, but it turned out to be just a lump from the blanket.

One when time I was trying to stay up all night, I looked at a toy on my bookshelf and I hallucinated it walking around the shelf

I keep glancing at words and reading "David Bowie". Guess I have a one-track mind.

This has happened once.

2 You get really motivated

Can't relate to this, I'm never really that motivated to do school/homework and stuff like that regardless of how much sleep I get.

3 You feel like you're dreaming or floating everywhere

Happens to me all the time. I feel like I'm slightly disconnected to the real world, like I'm watching what's in front of me from behind a glass wall. And I'm an insomniac too, due to the lack of melatonin production in my brain.

Well considering you're a teen, we just tend to release melatonin at a much later time, rather than not having it at all. Its pretty normal for pubescent kids.

Tell me I'm not the only one.

4 Feeling intensely creative

Time to start writing a novel I'll never finish and start a blog I'll later delete.

Have a guess as to how this list was born?

5 Delirium
6 Crying
7 Dozing off in inappropriate situations and awkward positions

My sister does this

8 Forgetfulness

This is something which I really hate about my insomnia. You lose your ability to recall even the simplest of things.

Not fun when you learned something important in school that day...

Even when sleep deprived, I still remember things.

9 Being bouncing-off-the-walls hyper

When I get too little sleep, for the first day or two, I wake up with more energy ironically enough. That and I'm a lot more talkative and hyperactive.

I got 5 1/2 hours of sleep last night and I feel like I could start running around in circles right now.

10 You're willing to do anything to sleep
The Contenders
11 You think your pet can talk
12 You go crazy
13 You believe you need less sleep than you probably do
14 Feeling like you're on the top of the world

There's no better feeling out there than feeling like you're at the top of the world and invincible like how I felt for the past few days.

15 Time seems to move at a slower pace than usual
16 A sense of falling
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