Top Ten Weirdest Questions to Ask Your Daughter

The Top Ten
1 Are you wearing panties?

That's inappropriate and weird.

2 Do you have a pad on?

I can honestly and thankfully say that no one (not just my parents) has asked me this question in my life!

3 Do you have deodorant on?
4 Did you wet the bed?
5 Why don't you have a bra on?

Your looking to hard, but why are they looking there anyway?!

6 Did you fart?
7 Do you want to get smacked?
8 Do you love me?
9 Are you dating?!
10 What is the size of your bra?
The Contenders
11 Do you wanna build a snowman?
12 Do you want to get married some day?
13 Do you wanna be sold into sexual slavery?
14 Do you have a penis?
15 Are you banging someone?
16 Did you create this list?
17 Are You Sleeping with your brother?
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