Top Ten Weirdest Teen Titans Go! Episodes

I like TTG actually! I gave the episodes ratings because just because an episode is weird, dosen't mean that the episode is bad>
The Top Ten
1 The Croissant
2 Second Christmas
3 La Larva de Amor
4 Pie Bros
5 Robin Backwards

If robin knows bizarro talk, he should know when he compliments the bizarro titans, he's actually insulting them. Also the real titans were super selfish in this episode.

The most annoying parts were the constant shaking. Seriously, Mr. Jelenic, are you trying to make episode 27 of season 2 or a seizure provider?

6 Sandwich Thief

Spoiler: Future Robin ruining the plot.

7 Baby Hands
8 Serious Buisness

This is one of the dumbest episodes ever.

9 Truth, Justice, and What?
10 Oil Drums
The Contenders
11 Smile Bones

That is episode is weird, dumb, gross, and not funny! At some point their stomachs turn into monsters, that's a weird concept and it's not funny.

I agree with whoever put this here. This episode is weird, dumb, and not funny

This was. Avery disturbing episode...

Who eats like that?

12 Leg Day

Creepy biting legs

13 Tower Power
14 Staring At the Future

So Cyborg and BB were staring a pizza for 30 years without: -Dying from exhaustion. -Noticing that the pizz got mouldy.

15 Obinray
16 Grandma Voice

This one was my all time favorite. Me and my brother love this one. I love doing the voice and the part when cyborg shot robin out of the window.

17 The Fourth Wall

Don't expose me to this one Hint:More worse than The return of slade

18 Breakfast

I heard in this episode, the Teen Titans turn into breakfast foods, not kidding!

19 Real Magic
20 Real Boy Adventures

Cyborg becomes human and there are too many Pinocchio references.

21 Hose Water

Cyborg and Starfire act like children until they get to the point where they're nothing but eggs with legs.

22 Garage Sale

I don't like it because they call the regular citizens "Weirdos." I think before they cancel this show because of unpopularity, unlikability, and non-creative themes, they should do an episode where it starts off in the tower: Cyborg: "Hey, do you ever think of the citizens of Jump City? "
Beast Boy: "WE'RE citizens of Jump City, dude"
Cyborg: "No, the people! "
Starfire: "The weirdos? They have the uninteresting lives of the everyday person, and we fight the biggest threats to the planet.
Cyborg: "That's not TRUE! Someone in that city can be running for president, the creator of an invention making our lives easier every day, who knows? "
Then we don't have to deal with another unimportant Titans expedition that's meaningless to call an "expedition."

23 The Bottle Episode
24 Let’s Get Serious
25 Hot Garbage
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