Weirdest Things to Choke On

The Top Ten
1 Grape

This actually happened to me once!

This can happen to little kids

2 Bread
3 Person

Why Would Anyone Shove There Hand In Someones Mouth?

4 Ice Cube

My sister chokes on these all of the time!

5 Your Tongue
6 Pillow
7 Candlestick
8 Fire
9 Water
10 Music

If you are listening to Nikki Minaj or some other bad music artist, then yes, it's possible.

It could definitely happen.

The Contenders
11 Hot Pockets

I choked on one of these

12 Granola Bar
13 Chicken Noodle Soup
14 Air
15 Telephones
16 Donald Trump's hair
17 Grass
18 Your Own Spit
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