Top Ten Weirdest Things People Do In School

School is so boring which is why people do weird crap in this place (I literally make lists at school).
The Top Ten
1 Constantly look at the clock

What? I can't pay attention to this stupid lecture, I need to know how much longer until Lunch is!

We just count down the seconds of class until we get to actually do something.

I loved doing that. Waiting for the dismissal with my eyes on the clock.

2 Not ask to go to the toliet becase the teacher will complain

So this is a typical conversation between me and my teacher:

Me: Can I use the bathroom?

Teacher: I don't know, can you?

Me: MAY I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: You should've gone before class.

Me: But I didn't have to GO before class!

Teacher: Are you talking back to me?


Teacher: Go to the principles office!

Me: What did I do?

Teacher: You were talking back to me!


Me: wets my pants

I think everyone does this at least once in their lifetime, haha the feeling of getting rejected by a mean teacher. I have to admit this is very weird though.

3 When the fire alarm starts, go outside, and have some hope and desire that it's a real one and you can go home

I'm always hoping for this; my brother told me that too. But it's always a drill ever since I got to this school. All the teachers are like, " Okay, stay calm, we are going to exit from the multi-purpose room quickly and quietly. " What if it's a real fire!?! It's the same thing on the bus in 5th grade. When we're doing our bus evacuation, everyone in the back will die while the kindergarteners go very. Very. Slowly. So yeah. We are wasting our lives waiting for them to get the heck outta the way. Seriously, I'm crossing my fingers every time.

4 Instead of bringing it to the pupil, throw the rubber to them

In 6th grade before I moved schools some guys I joked around with a lot threw a rubber on top of a fan, then we asked the teacher to turn on the fan and we were all laughing. Then the rubber flung across the room.

I miss some of the kids at my old school ;(

Some kid threw a pen in class, the pen landed at the teacher's feet. The person got a detention or something.

To all Americans out there, we call an eraser a rubber, as opposed to a contraceptive.

5 Scroll through pages to know how many pages are left

I can't be the only one who does this. Haha!

6 Swing your chair

Ok story time:

In like 2nd grade, I was swinging on my my chair when it broke and I hit my mouth on the edge of the table. I had to go to the nurse and I had a massive hole in my lips I felt her finger inside it!

The chairs are connected to the desks here, so I can't. Only the science and art rooms have movable stools, and it's really easy to fall off if you're leaning back, it's happened before many times.

I do this all the time and one time the teacher was talking about how this other kid broke his bones because of it. ( I think we all had that talk about that kid )

7 Secretly chew gum in class

Chewing gum is one of the things that you have to hide from the teachers, but everybody does it.

My Teachers let us chew gum, but we can't make those popping sound when we make a bubble.

Kids in my class are always chewing gum
Teacher does not approve.

8 Daydream without knowing it

I did that once. I wasn't thinking at all, but I usually because I'm a girl. And my teacher asked me a question and I probably looked like I was paying no attention, and then I stopped and she said," Hey, what's the answer. And is said," uh... I don't know. Then she called on another person. When I did that I felt weird and stupid and now I laugh at that moment. laugh out loud!

Me: *has funny daydream*
Teacher: So as you can see, 6 million people died in that war.
Me: *laughs because of dream*
Teacher: Why are you laughing about that?
Me: Wait, what?
Teacher: 6 million deaths?
Me: What, no I wasn't laughing about that, I was laughing about my daydream!
Teacher: Why were you daydreaming and not listening to me?
Me: *dies*

9 Try to whisper a pupil next to you

I used to do that, then my teacher moved me (despite my bff Josh was whispering to a kid at that table [(not saying names)] more, no offense to him.) Now there is nobody to talk to. Even worse it was on tech day. But my teacher probably regrets it. As now he is going to try to either move Josh or that other kid. Either way, whether it is the kid or Josh, I will probably beg for one of them (since we are like an art trio) to move to my table just to get in trouble by that teacher. Feel free to skip this if you want. But this was how it defeated the purpose for me.

10 Start a flash mob
The Contenders
11 Color with a pencil on literally everything

I added this. I do this every day. From folders to tables to paper, anything but my body and clothes. Trust me you do not want to see my math notebook.

I have expensive pencils so I can't afford to unnecessarily waste any of the lead.

Coloring on myself? The pencil would be gone, haha.

12 Rip up your test

My whole class did this one time.

13 Forget to do homework and lie saying it's at home

Never needed to do this myself but in one of my classes there's these three guys who use this excuse every single time we're due to hand homework in. It baffles me how the teacher's never caught on.

I heard of a funnier one in my old 4th grade class: some kid said his grandma threw away his homework, and I think he was telling the truth. anyhow he got in trouble.

Sometimes it works for my class, depending on the teacher and their mood. Often, the teacher goes on about "NO EXCUSES! "

14 Take a phone call

One time are history teacher just did not let a kid take a phone call and full on got mad at the student when the person supposedly said it was there Parent… and the teacher would not let the student take the call, the kid ended up going to the office.

15 Start erasing the board

I vandalize it. In my high school some students would draw elephant farts on the board and I would add farts and poop to them XDDD

Its fun and some people do it sometimes too.

16 Stick bubblegum under the desk

Even lab benches aren't always safe. Once in a chemistry lab I made the stupid mistake of accidentally putting my hand under one of the benches, only to find out there was a fresh blob of chewing gum stuck there along with, like, ten more rock-hard ones (who knows how many years they'd been sitting there? )

Our desk has these pipes that make the desk stand but also to keep the top from falling off. I used to stick my finger in the pipe that was under the top of the desk. Why I did it I have no clue but one day I did it and I met gum. I never did it again.

17 Kiss in the hallway

Definitely not something I'd do in a hallway, considering people would make up rumors and people would talk about it for days...

If I ever see that really cute boy from my primary school again, I'll snog him sensless, in a corridor, at the bus park, anywhere.

I'm NEVER kissing anybody at school. Especially since I'm not even interested in dating.

18 Breathe out loud

I've done that before I think that some people got confused.

19 Hope a teacher would die at some point

I wished that my high school special ed teacher would die.

20 Pass notes

There was a love letter that my teacher read out loud once. She embarrassed one of my friends during class.

It's not exactly weird. I don't do it, but it's understandable that maybe people want to talk.

Passing notes is something I haven't seen anybody do in a long time.

21 Ask if algebra wouldn't mind if you dated the ex
22 Yell "666!" in front of the popular kids

Please, it was the popular kids in my school who yelled "666!", find me something truly weird, and then I'll be impressed (I attempted to summon Satan in the middle of my class and drew rituals with my friends).

My locker is two away from being 666.

23 Fling Cheetos across the classroom

Well not in my classroom, but on my bus they do. Flaming hot Cheetos.

24 Go on PBS Kids on the computers

The special ed classes in my high school had to go on this site.

25 Draw graffiti

Today there was graffiti of a "inappropriate male's body part" on my chair that looks like it's been there since the dinosaurs were on earth

There is also lots of ancient prehistoric gum stuck to the bottom of desks even though my school bans gum.

Found a GIANT picture of a male part under my bed during the 5th grade camping trip. It was a girl's cabin. Found one a year later in my middle school bathroom. It was a girl's bathroom.

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