Weirdest Things Someone Can Guess Correctly About You On Their First Try

The Top Ten
1 The Day You Die

If somebody guessed the day I was going to die. I would run.

2 Who You'll Marry

I have two friends who people think I'll marry. We'll see...

3 Your Bra Size

My friend guessed mine right away... Creepy. And someone should get that one creeper off this site I'm not going to say any names, but he's pretty obvious.

4 Your Age

Because I'm short and have a fringe I look much younger than I am. No stranger has guessed correctly yet...

I'm generally pretty good at judging ages. And I noticed the fellow you mentioned, happyhappyjoyjoy. Creepy.

They never get it right, I’m lowballed too often.

I’m autistic but I look like a 16-18 yr old when in reality I’m older than that.

5 Your Name

If someone successfully guessed mine I would have to think they were psychic.

Especially with my name.

6 Your Birthday
7 Your Dad's/Mom's Age

I've guessed a few of my friends dads ages even though I haven't met them.

Nope, people are always shocked

8 Your Weight

I'm slim, and so everybody underestimates. Suppose that's the lesser of two evils.

This would be rude to do and creepy if you get it right.

9 What You Ate For Breakfast

It's weird when people ask you this.

10 The Last Time You Used The Bathroom
The Contenders
11 Where You Live
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