Weirdest Yahoo Answers Questions Related to Licking

The Top Ten
1 Why Do Men Like Getting Their Bum Licked?

I'm sure that the average man enjoys it as much as the average woman. Which is not at all.

Shut up, just shut up

2 My Dog Licks the Road?

I know a dog who licks a rock when he's excited (no really), so that could be why.

My dog licks his butt

3 What Would Happen If a Lion Licked You?

He might like you and marry you

4 I Like to Lick the Floor. Is Something Wrong With Me? Help!?

Well, my toilet floor is dirty, could you lick it to clean. Well, if you also lick my toilet it would be helpful because its dirty too

Nothing is wrong with you! You are perfectly normal ☺

Just one thing, can you come to my house? (note:there are a lot of floors you can lick)

Nothing is wrong with you if your a mop sweetie... or if you already need a psychologist

Please come to my house. Currently my house floors are very dirty.

5 Why Do Cats Lick Coal?

Maybe she is trying to identify if it is really a coal or her dried poop

Maybe she needs the minerals present in that coal....

6 I Like to Lick People?

Gross why would you do that

That's not creepy AT ALL.

7 Screen Cleaner, Dogs Licking Computer Screen?

You said " dogs" so are you including urself or there are two or more dogs there

8 I Like Licking My Toes But Im Scared to Do It Again Because Once I Swallowed My Foot, What Should I Do?

First of all, just lick and don't swallow

Not swallow your foot

Haha:-D :-D haha :-D haha:-D :'(

9 I lick my poop before I flush it is that weird?!

This makes me feel an unpleasant sensation in my abdomen.

Yes. Please get help.

10 Sometimes I Like to Lick My Knees?? They Taste So Nice Especially When They're Muddy! Is This Bad?

No way. Its never considered bad, as it is such a good thing to do. I would reccomend you to lick it everyday because it is healthy

The Contenders
11 I Lick My Cats Armpits Because I Really Like the Musty Taste of It? Is This Normal?

It s totally normal and I support you for this. If you do this every morning it will make your stomach clean

Can I have a not very detailed definition for musty?

12 I like to eat and lick my toes. Am I normal?

If you're a baby then yes. If you're over age 1, then NO!

I like licking my hands, so you are fine.

No you're not. You can die that way.

13 I lick the windows on the bus. Is this weird?
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