Top Ten Most Well-Known Martial Arts In World History

The Top Ten
1 Muay Thai
2 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
3 Kung Fu

Oops! I missed this. I added Lau Gar Kung Fu. My brother does this. I like watching him go through his sets. It looks so graceful and deadly at the same time.

4 Karate
5 Taekwondo
6 Ninjutsu
7 Jujutsu
8 Krav Magá
9 Aikidō
10 Judo Judo is a modern martial art and Olympic sport that originated in Japan. Created by Jigoro Kano in 1882, it focuses on throws, joint locks, and pins, emphasizing the efficient use of balance and leverage. Practitioners, known as judokas, wear special garments called "judogi," and they compete on a mat known as a "tatami." Judo is not just a competitive sport but also a means of physical education and moral development, following a philosophy of mutual welfare and respect.
The Contenders
11 Mixed Martial Arts Mixed martial arts is a full-contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, from a variety of other combat sports and martial arts.
12 Lau Gar Kung Fu
13 Gatka
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