Why Hey, My Baby's Smart! is Better Than Teletubbies

The Top Ten
1 The characters are not creepy
2 Hey, my Baby's Smart helps babies get ready for preschool

Teletubbies does not

3 Hey, my Baby's Smart! has witty scripts
4 You don't understand what the Teletubbies are saying
5 Andrew James Rex Toodee and Jenny say Hello instead of EH oh
6 The Hey, my Baby's Smart! Songs are better than the The Teletubbies Songs
7 More people like Hey, my Baby's Smart!
8 Hey, my Baby's Smart is New

Teletubbies got a reboot in 2015

9 Hey, my Baby's Smart! is underrated while Teletubbies is overrated
10 Hey, my Baby's Smart! Characters don't have babies
The Contenders
11 Teletubbies Gives You Nightmares
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