Why "Top 10 Reasons Mario Kart 8 is Overrated" is Inaccurate

The Top Ten
1 It's on Wii U for a Reason
2 The Only Thing that Makes the Game Hard is If You Put It on Hard Ai or 200cc
3 How Can Princess Peach Be the Reason Why the Game is Overrated?
4 It's Okay, but It's Actually Underrated
5 Mario Kart 64 Isn't Better Than This
6 Baby Peach Can't Be the Reason Why It's Overrated
7 Toad's a Lightweight for a Reason
8 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Corrected Almost Everything
9 Nothing is Wrong with Peach & Daisy's Dresses
10 The Graphics Were Supposed to Be Good
The Contenders
11 The Controls are Good
12 It's more of a "Reasons why Mario Kart 8 is not that good" instead of "Overrated"

Seriously, why is exactly the bad stuff in the game the reason it's "overrated"?

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