Best Wolf Names

The Top Ten
1 Shadow

I like how it's simple and not a cringey Warrior Cats ripoff name like "Silversoul" or "Moondust" or whatever the heck those annoying Wolfaboos come up with!

2 Fang
3 Killer
4 Alpha
5 Gray Moon
6 Jaws
7 Hairy
8 Fuzzy
9 Claws
10 Luna
The Contenders
11 Wolfaboo
12 Big Ears
13 Moon

Moon sounds like a majestic wolf that lived SOMEWERE beautiful and peaceful

Awesome hame for a wolf

14 Braveheart
15 Striker
16 Bubbles

Bubble is supposed to be a happy jolly wolf that she lives in a weird yet real place

17 Super Nova
18 Scourge
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