Top Ten Words that Can Be Made on a Calculator

Just remembered something I used to do when I was bored. I've only added ten words but you will probably know many more which aren't included on this list. Feel free to add them.
The Top Ten
1 Obsesses (53553580)
2 Besiege (3631538)
3 Hobbies (5318804)
4 Eligible (37816173)
5 Boobless (55378008)
6 Google (376006)

She's right! Look it up on 376006.

7 Hellish (4517734)
8 Eggshells (577345663)
9 Hello (07734)
10 Giggles (5376616)
The Contenders
11 Boob (8008)

I'm pretty sure every elementary/primary student has done this at least once.

12 Legless (5537637)
13 Boobies (8008135)
14 Lol (707)
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