Top Ten Words You've Never Heard Of

The Top Ten
1 Dasypygal

It pretty much means having a hairy butt. Go tell that to your parents kids!

2 Fedifragous

It means deceitful or treacherous.

3 Testudineos

It means slow, like a tortoise. This sounds like me in the morning.

4 Haptodysphoria

An unpleasant sensation felt when touching peaches.

5 Fanfaronade

Boisterous or arrogant language. God, I hate these people!

6 Ginglymoidal

To represent a hinge.

7 Profluvium

A copious flow or discharge. Disgusting.

8 Sesquiplicate

To bear or involve the ratio of square roots of the cubes of the terms of a certain ratio.

9 Yex

It means to sob, to hiccup, or to belch forth. Whatever you do, don't say it to someone. It sounds a lot dirtier when you say it out loud.

10 Spoonerism

Have you seen my list of spoonerisms?

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