Worst Bosses in Dark Souls 2

While Dark Souls 2 is my favourite in the series, there isn't any doubt at all that many of the bosses are abysmal in terms of quality.
The Top Ten
1 Prowling Magus and Congregation

The same basic principle of the Rat Vanguard is applied here, throwing a large amount of basic enemies at you and calling it a boss fight, at least the enemies weren't all just basic rats.

Woah! A big gank fight in a small arena! I wonder how hard this will be. *Kills Prowling Magus in 5-6 Hits* Ummm... Okay? What about Congrega- *Kills each enemy in 1-2 hits* Oh come on FromSoft!

I just a room full of enemies and it's so boring too.

2 Royal Rat Vanguard

Truly the pinnacle of laziness, who's idea was it to make a boss fight just a giant horde of normal rats? Nothing more to say about this one, as the basic concept of it is so uninspired.

3 Twin Dragonriders

As well as this being unbelievably lazy, it also disappoints me greatly that this is the boss of one of the most iconic areas in DS2. The dragonriders are almost exactly the same as the one you fight near the start of the game (it was pathetic then), the only difference being that one of these guys have half the health.

4 Lud and Zallen, the King's Pets

There are so many different reasons why this is one of the worst boss fights in the history of gaming (no exaggeration). For one, the area leading up to it is the biggest pile of garbage in the known universe, with infinitely spawning enemies that have an extremely high chance of killing you in a couple of hits, no visibility, and no clear signs of where to go. The boss itself is a gank fight, which is an automatic sign that this is going to be bad, highlighted by the fact that this is a reskin, from a dlc, making 2/3 of the bosses in this dlc exactly the same. The boss is also completely unfair, with the only semi consistent way to beat it being to out damage them.

I was originally gonna vote Magus as worst but then I remembered these two. The run up to them is the biggest hell in the whole series, so imagine getting through all of that only to be greeted by two of the same boss you fought in the SAME DLC. To make it worse, the mechanics are awful as Aava alone was a challenge so having two reskins in the same arena with more health and extra mechanics makes it a nightmare to play against. What’s even worse is that when you die (which you are bound to probably do if you don’t summon), then you have to do the whole run again.

5 Executioner's Chariot
6 Dragonrider

Stupid boss, but it's really funny to make him fall off the edge into the water.

7 Skeleton Lords
8 Royal Rat Authority

While I don't mind the actual fight, who's idea was it to have the toxic rats? They really ruin what I find to be a passable fight.

9 Afflicted Graverobber and Co.
10 Scorpioness Najka
The Contenders
11 Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin

I wouldn't mind this fight if it weren't for the fire and the fact that this boss literally adds nothing to the game, mostly the fire though.

12 Ancient Dragon

As well as being fairly easy (hit a couple of times, run, repeat for way too long), the boss is both underwhelming and extremely boring.

13 Demon of Song
14 Belfry Gargoyles
15 Guardian Dragon
16 Blue Smelter Demon
17 Giant Lord

Another boss that is very underwhelming, the ruler of all giants is easier than one of the regular ones, and I say that without even considering that I'm wrong

18 Ruin Sentinels

OH BOY A 3v1 Gank fight. This is the fight that made me scream in pain as they constantly killed me in my first play through to the point where I dropped the game for almost an entire YEAR. First off the hitboxes are either high, or drunk, OR BOTH. Seriously, the amount of times I rolled out of there attacks and still got hit is INSANE! And not to mention if yo drop down to a more advantagous location, 2 more aggro on you! I hate this fight with a passion and the fact that if you don't prioritize leveling before this, you are almost guarenteed to be screwed over.

19 Covetous Demon

Sure, this boss is objectively terrible, but I just find everything about this guy to be hilarious, his slow movements, his design, the fact that he can eat you, everything

20 The Duke's Dear Freja
21 The Rotten
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