Top Ten Worst But Funniest Things to Say As a Kindergarten Teacher

The Top Ten
1 So Does Anyone Have Anything For Show And Tell That's Not Extremely Boring?

Yes *plays Saleel al-Sawarim* This is my clock, it counts down the time till it blows up for my honor to Allah. My honor to ISIS even though they aren't even Muslims but still, I honor them, ALLAHU AKBAR! (I'm on the CIA watch list now cause of this comment)

Does mayonnaise and horseradish count?

This is how I nuke this place!

2 That's a Nice Picture of a Cat, But We're Drawing Dogs Idiot.

I heard words similar to this when I was in art class (but imagine it in mandarin). The teacher was always just drawing something stupid. You shouldn't put reigns on something meant for creativity.

Kid: (erases cat's tail and draws dog body") Look! It's CatDog!

3 I Don't Care About Your Problems (Insert Name Here), Oh Wait You're Bleeding.

I see that your ankle is broken, here's a bandage. Go whine about it to the nurse.

4 I Don't Care If It's Just a Fire Drill (Insert Name Here) Get Out of My Way.
5 In Conclusion, Sharks Kill a Lot. Ok Our Next Unit is Crocodiles.
6 Elsa Isn't Real. Get Better Role Models Like Miley Cyrus or Kanye West!

Or, better yet! Make your role model from a book! Fictional characters are amazing.

No let's make Donald Trump our role model... Just kidding LOL.

7 F***!

This isn't funny. Little kids screaming cusswords is just sickening.

Kids cussing isn't good, but I meant Kindergarten teachers.

I agree with Blue topaz. Little kids cursing isn't right.

8 What Movie Do You All Want to See? Poltergeist or Texas Chainsaw?
9 Cry (Insert Name Here) Cry!
10 Get Out!
The Contenders
11 I Hate Teaching

Let's save this one for a list of what teachers would say if they were being honest.

12 Get Your Facts Right, Idiot!
13 Please Throw All Your Beliefs and Suspicions Out of The Window When Confirming Anything
14 Lets Play 7 Minutes In Heaven
15 I Don't Care What You Think

At least you care enough to response.

16 You Guys Are All Dumb! Start Revising More!
17 We're Doing An Exam Today
18 You're a Whore
19 The answer is Wongtong
20 What If I Told You That I Don't Want to Learn and You're a Stupid Pathetic Excuse of a Teacher?
21 Wanna listen to "FACK" by Eminem?
22 I Don't Care (insert name here)! Timeout Corner Now!
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