Top Ten Worst Characters Out of All Ace Attorney Games

Throughout the games, we must have encountered at least one character that's either they've bland and unlikeable personalities or they've done something that made you loathe them even more.

Note that this list excludes manga characters, fan-made characters or anyone that doesn't belong to the original games. Adding your items and comments would be appreciated, as doing so will build up the list.
The Top Ten
1 Wendy Oldbag

One word guys: Never visit this list again. It's just my silly ideas.

2 Lotta Hart
3 Wocky Kitaki
4 Jean Armstrong
5 Mike Meekins
6 Aura Blackquill
7 Ini Miney
8 Spark Brushel
9 Wesley Stickler
10 Zak Gramarye

Zak Gramarye is not a person. Zak Gramarye is not a jerk. Zak Gramarye is a walking barrel of radioactive waste masquerading as a human being. Everything he touches suffers. He withholds evidence that would have kept his lawyer from being disbarred, he abandons his very young daughter and dumps him on his now unemployed lawyer, and then comes back seven years later to, for no reason, destroy his former lawyer's reputation as a poker player, eliminating the man's one means of supporting his own daughter. And then let's add that he physically assaulted his accomplice when things didn't go his way. I have no sympathy. Son of a bitch deserved to die.

The Contenders
11 Dr. Hotti

I consider him to be way worse than Mike Meekins!
At least, Meekins doesn't have a disgusting character design like Dr. Hotti does! Dr. Hotti is just waste of potentional! Having to talk to him in the games makes me want to start banging my head against the wall!

12 Daryan Crescend

The totally-not-obvious killer from Turnabout Serenade.

13 Morgan Fey


14 Ben Woodman

This guy is just gross, he wants his puppet to marry a 16 year old girl to experience love.

15 Redd White
16 Winston Payne
17 Kristoph Gavin

He was a good villain in the first case, but when his motivations were revealed, he was totally ruined.

18 Pearl Fey
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