Top 10 Worst Concepts for a Simulator Game

The Top Ten
1 9/11 Simulator

Unless you're playing as Max Payne/Solid Snake (mgs) /Trevor (Grand Theft Auto) /eta traveling back in time to stop all the planes from crashing, this idea would make resistance: ethnic cleansing look better than orcarena of time, the last of us, metal gear solid, and silent hill.

Not to be offensive for people who lost somebody during the incident...such sad thing

But from who's point of view?

From the plane of course

2 Rock Simulator

This is just stupid.

3 Standing Simulator
4 Crazy Bus

This game is the definition of ear killer.

5 Sitting Simulator
6 Tree Simulator
7 Staring Simulator
8 Pee Simulator
9 Smoke Weed Every Day Simulator
10 LSD Simulator

This Would Probably Be Really Trippy.

The Contenders
11 Atheist Republican Brony Simulator
12 Sloth Simulator
13 Hibernation Simulator
14 Sleep Simulator
15 Bob Simulator
16 Surgeon Simulator
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