Worst Doctor Who Episodes from 2005 Onwards

The Top Ten
1 Love and Monsters (Series 2)

This should absolutely be number one. The monster can be excused because it was designed by a child, but the episode was badly written, unfunny and not memorable.

I get that everything here is opinion but come on, how can "42" be just below this?

What, people!?!? at least the rings of akhaten had PLOT! this is TRASH! absolute RUBBISH! who wants to see an hour of a disgusting monster absorb humans WITH A LOVE STORY?!?!? makes NO sense and deserves number 1.

The worst episode in Doctor Who History.

2 Orphan 55 (Series 12)

One of the worst.

3 The Witchfinders (Series 11)
4 In The Forest of The Night (Series 8)

Like most of Series 8 it was boring

5 Kill the Moon (Series 8)

This just made the Doctor look like a jerk.

6 Robot of Sherwood (Series 8)

Once again, boring, couldn't they find a better actor to play Robin Hood, absolutely wooden, but Jenna Coleman (Clara) saved this episode in my honest opinion.

7 Rosa (Series 11)

I liked this episode, and that's saying something because most of season 11 is crap

8 Let's Kill Hitler (Series 6)

Weak just like the rest of Series 6.

9 The Long Game (Series 1)
10 The Rings of Akhaten (Series 7.2)

Where can I start, this episode was extremely boring, unbelievable and to make it even worse, Singing, they sing to calm down some god... The only highlight of the episode is Matt's speech, the rest, BORING...

I can't agree more, this made me question the entire franchise.

I honestly feel asleep

I love this episode

The Contenders
11 Fear Her (Series 2)

Fear her was actually a really good episode in my opinion

Could of been better.

12 A Good Man Goes to War (Series 6)

In my own personal opinion, this is where Doctor Who did an infamous "Jump the Shark". The plot was too cluttered, the ark wasn't well rounded up, the characters were forgettable and the god damn Paternoster Gang.

Underwhelming. Could of been better

13 42 (Series 3)

This episode is so unbelievably by the numbers. Definitely worth a skip.

14 The Lazarus Experiment (Series 3)
15 The Wedding of River Song (Series 6)
16 A Town Called Mercy (Series 7.1)
17 Dinosaurs On a Spaceship (Series 7)
18 Deep Breath (Series 8)
19 Planet of the Ood (Series 4)
20 The Vampires of Venice (Series 5)
21 The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances (Series 1)

Easily the worst story of all time. It's not scary, it's stupid, overlong, boring, anticlimatic, and just ridicolous. SPOILER: everything could've been solved in five minutes if Nancy were to just say yes. That's ALL it takes!

22 The Timeless Children (Series 12)
23 Nightmare in Silver (Series 7.2)
24 The Lodger (Series 5)
25 Heaven Sent (Series 9)

Because he spent A BILLION YEARS, PUNCHING THROUGH A WALL. How many seconds in eternity? I don't know, start by counting the ones in this episode.

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