Top 10 Worst Insects to Be Attacked By

The Top Ten
1 Killer Bees

I know I mentioned bee already, but just those other ones such as a bumblebee.

2 Fire Ants

You will feel the burn.

3 Bullet Ants

I know someone who got stung by one, I asked them what it felt like. They said it felt like getting an extremely sharp knife repeatedly stabbing deep into your flesh, like getting hit by a real bullet. They said it's that painful.

It is so painful it feels like you got shot by a gun. Not scary enough? It can last 24 hours. OUCH!

4 Japanese Hornet

Why in the world has the UN not made a international coalition to destroy these things?

Its sting can kill you. However, not worse than a 24-hour gun shot.

5 Tsetse Fly
6 Bombardier Beetle

Not only it smells bad, it is boiling hot. Oh gosh please no!

The chemical it sprays can reach the temperature of 100 degrees Celcius

7 Mosquito Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are insects that have been known to cause various diseases. A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus.

The answer is easy guys. It's annoying! Also sometimes you get a deadly disease.

An annoying itch PLUS a random deadly disease if you're unlucky

8 Wasps

This would probably be more painful than bees since they can sting you more than once, and bees could only sting you once, but it would also be dangerous to be attacked by a bee swarm

9 Assassin Bug
10 Brown Recluse Spider A venomous spider native to the central and southern United States, the Brown Recluse is known for its reclusive habits and preference for dark, undisturbed places. Its venom can cause necrotic skin lesions in humans, making it a species to be cautious of when encountered.
The Contenders
11 Yellow Jacket

I Am SO Lucky To Not Get Stung By These Pesty Suckers!

12 Army Ant
13 Black Widow
14 Brazilian Wandering Spider Known for its aggressive behavior and potent venom, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is native to tropical South America. Unlike most spiders that build webs, it roams the forest floor in search of prey. It is considered one of the most venomous spiders in the world.
15 Bed Bug
16 Bulldog Ant

So dangerous it can kill 3 people

17 Horse Fly
18 Crickets

They keep me up all night.

19 Warrior Wasp
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