Top Ten Worst Memes of 2015

A lot of Memes suck. And I'm going to talk about the worst
The Top Ten
1 The Stupid Dress
2 9+10=21

That video isn't funny. All that video is is a kid saying 21. Give him a break!

I agree, this is dumb.

3 Deez Nutz

I herd this too many times online, and at school

The minds of people these days...

4 Swag

So many kids today say SWAG and they act like wannabes even though they're not. Who raised these fools? Homeless people?

The people who have SWAG are gay. It basically stands for (Secretly We Are Gay) and they don't even know what it actually means. This "Swag" meme is a joke and it is also being used by kids who think they are cool as well. Why the hell would these people use this and why do they even exist? And what is wrong with these generation?


It wouldn't be SO bad if people didn't use it so much and using it for an excuse for your actions!

8 Why are always you lying
9 Charlie Charlie Challenge
10 OMG

Not really from 2015, this dates back to the early 1980's.

The Contenders
11 #cut4zayn

Watch Filthy Frank's video about it. It's hilarious

12 Selfies
13 Netflix and Chill

I hate John Cena and I never want to see him again!

15 Now watch me whip. Watch me Nae Nae.

The song is better than baby anaconda Friday stupid hoe and #selfie

Gosh, that song annoys the heck out of me!

Luckily,I have no idea what this is.

This is top 3 material!

16 Illuminati Confirmed

Number 15 on this list... 15 - 5 = 10. 10 Nazis walk into a BAR
A BAR is a type of American weapon
BAR is a bar
Bars make beams
Jet Fuel Can't melt steel beams
Bush did 9/11 this list is Illuminati Confirmed

Bravo, skeletor, bravo.

17 MLG

I just can't express my hatred for this.

18 "Awesome sauce"
19 FNAF 5

Sister location is out. Problem solved.

20 Darude - Sandstorm
21 Oiiii
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