Worst Mistakes to Make On a Report/Presentation

Do all of these to win the "Best Presentation Ever" award!
The Top Ten
1 Argue against your previous claim
2 Forget to write your name
3 Destroy it when you're next to present
4 Insult your teacher in the presentation
5 Grammatical errors

There be no grammar error here! There be pirates!

6 Wear swimwear on the day of presenting
7 Spelling errors
8 Rant for an unnecessarily long period of time

"After that, they visited her parents in the afterlife. But it wasn-"


9 Eat while presenting
10 Make an interactive report about driving teachers crazy
The Contenders
11 Type it in Comic Sans MS

Not as bad as Wingdings.

12 Write a long report in max font size

No, that’s a good thing, so if you have to write a 5 page essay, you can just write 5 letters and it will technically count!

13 Write the entire report explaining how it's a report.

"Congratulations, you've received your Certificate of Redundancy Certificate.

14 Write in all caps
15 Don't talk when you have to present
16 Forget the actual presentation
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