Top Ten Worst Mockbusters

The Top Ten
1 Sunday School Musical

Actually, I love this film (for the standards of mockbusters)! The songs are very catchy and have the right instruments, the film has (very little) originality and the characters/actors can actually sing! This doesn't deserve to be taken off the list. No mockbuster does! And we need all mockbusters on the list!

2 Snakes on a Train
3 Transmorphers
4 I Am Omega
5 War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave

Such a total rip-off. I hate them for trying to make a mockbuster of War of the Worlds.

6 AVH: Alien vs Hunter
7 Transmorphers: Fall of Man
8 Rise of the Black Bat

Rise of the Black Bat is the only Mockbuster I actually dislike.

9 Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls

This is obviously a rip off of Indiana Jones. Why didn't they get sued?

10 Paranormal Entity
The Contenders
11 Monster
12 Bikini Spring Break
13 Alpha and Omega
14 Mac and Me
15 A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure

Horrible animation. Horrible script. Horrible sounds. There is a stupid little car that throws tantrums, a pink car with a horrible voice (as if it smoked), and a bunch of creepy characters. SCREW THIS MOVIE!

THIS is what you call a Cars ripoff!

16 King of the Lost World
17 Mega Pirhana
18 The Amazing Bulk
19 Ratatoing

Boring show took 10 minutes to explain how good the food is!

20 Plan Bee
21 Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale

Not ONE PERSON I KNOW (in real life OR online) likes this TERRIBLE rip-off of Charlotte's Web, in fact, they hate it as much as Breadwinners!

22 The Little Panda Fighter
23 What's Up: Balloon to the Rescue!
24 Almighty Thor

Almighty Thor? More like almighty loser

25 Puss In Boots: A Furry Tail
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