Top Ten Worst and Most Offensive Things that Pokemon Anime Shippers Have Said

I've been seeing some pretty bad comments about shipping lately. I figured that listing some quotes could help explain why I despise certain shipping fandoms.

DISCLAIMER: Please take note that I am not bashing the shippings themselves, I'm just expressing my distaste for some of the more rabid shippers in the Pokemon Anime community. This is definitely not meant to be an offensive list, and I actually like quite a few of the shippings that are included on this list. Also, please take note that I am not bashing EVERYBODY who is a part of these shipping fandoms. I perfectly understand that not EVERYBODY in these fandoms are very bad, rabid shippers. I myself am a part of quite a few of these shipping fandoms, and I am not trying to insult people merely for being a part of these ships. I'm just expressing my personal distaste for a few quotes. Even though I despise certain shipping fandoms, I don't despise EVERYBODY in those fandoms, just the ones who I personally believe to be rude.

PS: If you have a quote that you believe deserves to be here, please add it to this list. But please understand that this list is NOT meant to be offensive towards all people who ship pokemon characters. Hopefully, this can help out in spreading awareness of rabid shipping wars that need to stop.
The Top Ten
1 "People who ship Negaishipping have down syndrome" -Amourshippers

Yup amourshippers on youtube were saying people who like negaishipping had to be retarded because it isn't canon. But honestly, canon doesn't mean anything. Shipping mean you like the IDEA of two people getting together. And let's be honest, Ash and Iris had way better chemistry than Serena and Ash who treated each other awkwardly. The creators were trying hard to make the moments super shippy and sparkly, but without proper friendship it seemed very unnatural and awkward to watch. Plus we all know amourshipping is added to bait more people into watching the anime. More people watching = more money. I don'y care though. I still prefer negai over amour and canon can't change that.

Also this is the most offensive quote on this list. Disability should not be used as an insult, ever. Being disabled doesn't make you a horrible person.

Should I even be dignifying this one with a response?! It's Cancerous and unnecessary BW Anime hate, inability to respect opinions, and Amour-shipping Fanboyism and/or Fangirlsm all rolled up into one!

At least Negaishipping has believable substance and isn't forced like Amourshipping.

2 "Anybody who doesn't support Pokeshipping deserves to be shot" -Pokeshippers

Somebody said this as a comment on an Advanceshipping Fanfiction.

What the hell?

3 "Screw Dawn she's ugly." -Pokeshippers

Lol, well ASH himself called Misty ugly. Multiple times! Pokeshippers are so stupid.

4 "The Pokemon Anime went down after Misty left." -Pokeshipping

She didn’t bring anything to the anime. This is the dumbest thing. Pokemon is not about romance. And that’s pretty much the only reason she was there. She needed to leave so that actual GOOD developed females could shine.

Please excuse me if I lack sympathy for the people who ceased watching the show over one character. I LOVED the original series, but I still have my reasons for believing that both the DP Anime and the XY/XYZ Anime were far better.

I rewatched the older seasons and honestly they aren't as good as people make them out to be and Misty sure as hell didn't redeem it. (No offense but I'm glad she's not in the 20th movie)

They are going to be so pissed when they realized the 20th movie isn't a genwunner movie. Thanks Marshadow for making things uh... did you do it Marshadow? We will have to see.

5 "If Amourshipping becomes Canon, we can finally get people to stop supporting the other ships. Because it makes no sense to ship people with a married man." -Amourshippers

These people clearly don't even know what shipping even means. Shipping means to JUST LIKE THE IDEA of two people being together. Would you people be saying the same thing if Ash and Iris, the most overly hated shipping of all time, got together and became canon?

They ain't getting married. Grow up Amourshippers

Ash is 10 how can he be married?

6 "May can't be with Ash because she is dating Drew." -Contestshippers

First of all, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not think that this was ever confirmed before. Second of all, once again, shipping is liking the idea of two characters being together. If May really is dating Drew, I'm not saying that the fact that I love Advanceshipping a lot means that I want her to cheat on Drew with Ash. I'm just saying that I would prefer for her to be with Ash.

It's heavily implied that Contestshipping is 2 sided but there wasn't a clear confirmation that it's canon.

AshXDrew confirmed.
Besides May went with Harley.

7 "Ash is dating Serena." -Amourshippers

They went on one little "date" and that was it. This is also not the first time that Ash has been alone with a girl, and he's had interactions with other girls that were much more date-like. Such as dancing with Misty. In other words, this is just more even lies and bait from the more rabid Amourshippers who are trying to make Amourshipping seem far more canon than it actually is.

Just because of Serena's one sided romantic feelings for Ash is a thing doesn't mean they are dating.

Also Iris had more of a date than Serena. Ash didn't ditch Iris.

8 "OMG Serena is blushing! AMOURSHIPPING!!" -Amourshippers

Is this supposed to be news or something? It happens all the time. You don't have to freak out with joy every time Serena blushes around him. We all know that she has a crush on Ash, so her blushing isn't really confirming anything. All that it really confirms is that the crush didn't just randomly go away.

She's always blushing at the smallest things Ash does. To the point it's kinda annoying.

9 "ASH KISSED SERENA!!" -Amourshippers

Pfff, he was clearly backing away from Serena when she forced herself onto him. Serena kissed him, he didn't kiss back.

Ash never kissed her back.

10 "Ash saved May so he should be with May" --Advanceshippers

Ash saves a lot of people.
A lot of people saved Ash.
May saved Drew from drowning, Drew saved May from team rocket in the SAME episode. He also saved May's friends from Harley and team-rocket trap. Protects her from Harely.

Misty saved Ash from drowning.
Ash saved Serena from a cliff.

A lot of characters save one another in the anime.

Your point?

Also I fail to see the claim of Ash with May for saving her because May never saved Ash's life like some other people did. So your argument is kinda one sided and flawed.

A lot of characters save other characters but they don't end up.
Ash is not romantically interested in anyone. But the same can't be said about other children because not everyone is a dummy like Ash.

Also isn't Ash himself got saved by a lot of people. Why aren't these mentioned. Why it's only Ash who gets the praise for saving someone when he himself is saved by others. But those 'others' never got the mentioned.

So by this logic Ash should be with Misty ONLY because she has saved her life twice. Not May.
On a second note, both Ash and Drew aren't romantically interested in May. They have better goals in mind than romancing a wimp, who always needs someone to save her ass.
May goes well with Harley.

Yes I have seen this Overrated quote overused by advanceshippers all the time and me as a advanceshipper also annoyed by it. I have better reasons to ship what I ship and not because of this quote

The Contenders
11 "Pearlshipping sucks" - Armourshippers

Actually most of the Amourshippers are also or used to be Pearlshippers.

Dude can have his own opinion

12 "Pikachu will never date Togedemaru because she's fat." - Lagomorphshippers

Why would someone be mean to the cute little round electric rodent

Pikachu is fat as well, at least 20 years ago.

Togedemaru is not fat!

13 "Whoever put this #1 is an idiot because ash has showed affection towards her more than any other pokegirl and even asked her to come with him at beginning of anime and before she left for hoenn" - Amourshippers

1. Iris was the first companion to be asked by Ash to join him, not Serena. 2. Serena has the weakest relationship with Ash as she didn't interact with him as much as the other companions. Ash even ditched her on their so called "date". He also ditched her during her poke video when she dressed up as Fenniken. It's hard for Ash to show affection to her if they don't interact and every so called "hint" that Amourshipping would be canon is cherry picking at best. (Seriously, amourshippers think Ash and Serena fist bumping was romantic.)

Ash is actually oblivious towards Serena.

it's a one sided thing, Deal with it

14 "Haters...Watch episode 47 of xyz... they canonized it. SERENA KISSES HIM ON THE LIPS." - Amourshippers

Getting kissed doesn't mean a ship is canon like what logic is that? If someone came up to you, invaded your personal space to the point of sexual assault (Not saying Serena sexual assaulted Ash) to kiss you, do you date them? NO. Please stop being so obnoxious.

Ash didn't kiss back,he looked uncomfortable as heck. The ship ain't canon, Deal with it!

15 "May and Dawn were bitches." - Pokeshippers

Anyone else find it hilariously pathetic that Pokeshippers (and Misty fanbrats) are STILL, 20 something years later, salty that she got replaced?

16 Ash and Dawn are the only true couple. All the other girls are just trash - Pearlshippers
17 “Dawn is just jailbait.” - Pokeshippers

Then what is Misty? She had no development at all in the OS anime. Think about it. For what purpose was she there?
Dawn, on the other hand, was introduced as a deuteragonist alongside Ash. She was his equal and the japanese version title card was literally, “The adventures of Satoshi and Hikari.” She had amazing development. And the writers respected her. What did Misty get? Bikini scenes galore, ‘sexy’ magic assistants outfit, and that one episode where she was literally naked in the bath. Even upon her return in SM, they went to the trouble of animating her stripping into a bikini! Did the DP writers do that with Dawn? No. If there was fanservice, it was extremely subtle to almost nonexistent. Dawn always wore modest bathing suits (tank top-style two pieces or one pieces). Yeah, her main outfit was a short skirt, but she was never shown through objectified camera angles. The animators avoided that. Sure seems like, out of all the girls (besides Iris), they respected Dawn ...more

18 "Misty will twerk IN ASH'S FACE!" - Pokeshippers
19 Pearlshipping TV sucks. - Armourshippers and Pokeshippers
20 " Drew is a jerk & doesn’t deserve May, unlike Ash who treats her right!" - Advanceshippers

So a guy who missed some of her contest to instead train (while she never did that to Ash even when he was battling some random trainer) & yelled at her because she was trying to look on the bright side of things when he was upset that he had no boat is good for her? And May did some “jerk” things too, like force him to agree to travel with him by bringing up her bike, having torchic attack ash, & yelling at both Ash for trying to help her & Drew for no reason. So, what’s wrong with a jerk(May) ending with a jerk(Drew)?

Yes I know I know! “They both developed better over time!” But so did Drew! Y’all are stuck viewing Drew from his 1st appearance, but completely ignore him letting her watch him when they were heading in the same contest, warning her that Harley was tricking her, saved her friends from TRio, & went out of his way to cheer her up when she was down.

21 "Tracey is TOO OLD for Misty & looks better with Daisy while Misty looks better with Ash!" - Pokeshippers

Proof? They never even hinted at Tracey’s age! Plus stop being so shallow talking about looks!

22 "Misty saved Ash so Ash should get with her!" - Pokeshippers
23 "Ash loves Serena, Misty loves Tracey, May loves Drew, Dawn loves Paul, & Iris loves Cilan!" - Amourshippers

So I know amourshippers aren’t the only ones who do this, it’s mainly poke & amourshippers & I felt like I did too many pokeshippers quotes. I don’t bother putting the other ships in here, as I highly doubt they actually care about the other ships here & just want to pretend the other girls “love” these guys to dump him away from ash to make their ship possible. But in reality, ash has never shown interest in anyone besides Gisselle & no girl has shown interest in the guys they shove them into (besides May with Drew but even so contestshipping ain’t canon & probably never will be). And worse yet, they shove dawn with the WORST option for her! At least Kenny’s crush is 100% canon & dawn & him are confirmed friends unlike d bag Paul! Kenny only teases him while Paul bearley pays her any mind.

24 "May spent more time with Ash and not Drew, so Advanceshipping is more canon!" - Advanceshippers

By that “logic” Ash is definitely ending with misty as she defiantly beats out May with spending time with Ash. She was with him since episode 2 through ALL of Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, and two separate cameos in both Hoenn & Alola. The next guy May spent the most time with would probably be Drew, probably is the most over Ash now as he hasn’t even seen her for more than 3 1/2 regions worth where she could be spending time with drew

25 "May hates Drew, but loves Ash!" - Advanceshippers

Advanceshippers who say this should stop projecting. THEY hate Drew, & want May to want Ash. May & Drew where defiantly on friendly terms after 'who what when where wynut."

It's so odd how advanceshippers constantly crap on Drew just for being a threat to their ship, & they still do it to this day. Pearlshippers don't crap on Kenny as much as advanceshippers on Drew, even when Kenny has 100% confirmed crush on dawn & both are pretty close being childhood friends. Of course I know pearlshippers can be rabid & attack the other pokegirls & ships with ash, but it's just sad to see how obvious advanceshippers who say this feel threatened by Drew & just can't enjoy their ship because of it. I like both by the way & also contestshipping.

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