Top Ten Worst Places to Get a Piercing

They just don't appeal to me, but getting piercings in these places...
The Top Ten
1 Penis

Starting at the tip, more all the way up...

This is gonna be real painful

2 Testicles

Just don't get a gauge piercing... Really for any of these.

3 Nipples
4 Anus

Well if it's a big poop a piercing would be quite painful to the process...

5 Under Nail
6 Vagina

You'll be regretting it once every month.

7 Eyes

This is truly making my eyes water. I can't imagine who would want one here.

8 Tongue
9 Gums

This would just horrify me.

10 Septum
The Contenders
11 Adam's Apple

Who would actually be dumb enough to do this?

12 Breast
13 Nose
14 The Jugular Vein
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