Top 10 Worst Stereotypes

The Top Ten
1 Dumb Blonde

Ugh... I am so sick of people assuming things about me because I'm blonde. A lot of people will be surprised when I say I don't like pop music, I don't really like Starbucks, I don't like Instagram a lot, etc. "BUT YOU'RE BLOND AND A TEENAGER! " So what? "YOU HAVE AN A? WHO KNEW! AREN'T YOU TOO BUSY WITH INSTAGRAM AND STARBUCKS TO STUDY?! " I just know that it won't matter how many random strangers are stalking my photographs, if I like all the "cutest" bands, or if I drink eighty rich, thick coffees in the future. Grades will, and I'm not sure I want internet stalkers or a bunch of empty calories every day. And as for music, I couldn't care less who's cute in a band. If that relationship worked your precious boy band member would be a pedophile. Music is for ears, not eyes. If I dyed my hair a different color, most people wouldn't be so surprised. Stereotypes are, in general, just such annoying barricades that we need to overcome, world.

2 The Super Feminine Gay Guy

I used to know a man who was married to a woman and who was only attracted to women would cross-dress and worked as a fashion designer.

Birds of a feather flock together, so is it really that hard to imagine a feminine woman and feminine man falling in love?

I have had a gay couple as neighbors and they didn't seem feminine at all.

3 The Black Criminal

Sadly, I used to believe this. Not anymore do I. I have a lot of black friends and none of them are criminals.

My relatives are Asian and they believe in this a lot. I disagree with them.

I'm getting angry reading the title.

4 The Feminist Bitch

People accuse "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" for being feminist propaganda, because the main character is a girl, and she's way too overpowered. I don't believe that, but I do agree that Rey seems too OP.

I don't think every feminists are bigots, some are probably nice.
Its just the internet nowadays, with feminists who are like religious extremists.

Men and woman are equal. There. Done. Enough said.

5 All Boys are Obsessed with Football, Cars and Skateboards

I am a boy. I hate football and I don't want to drive. I can't skateboard at all. In fact, I hate all three of these. Still, I am a boy. Cars omit Co2, football is violent, and I can't skateboard.

I'm a boy, and I can proudly say this description doesn't fit me at all.

The problem is that boys at school try to FIT this one.

6 Evil Albino

Super Macho Man looks albino, but he's a rich and egotistical Hollywood star.

I don't know any albino people but why would you call them evil?

This stereotype pisses me of so much.

7 Fat Gross Comic Relief

I hate how fat people have been stereotyped. Why is fat such an insult? Because we've learned to associate the word with gross, lazy and ugly. Which is a terrible way to think!
And that's coming from a thin person.

Why does every guy main character have a comic relief friend who's fatter than the rest and all the jokes are based on how gross and annoying they are. Just no

This is stupid. There's always a show with someone like this.

8 All Animals are Dumb

Not all animals. Some are quite intelligent.

Most of them are smarter than some humans.

Umm, they are though. A rare few are super smart. But most are using common scence

9 The Desperate Single Mom

For me this is more of a cliche in movies that is used often. To show how much the characters life sucks, theirs dads gone or whatever and their mom's dating a prick. Seriously come up with something original please! PS I don't mean to be rude to whoever this has happened to it just happens way too often in movies.

You know those single mom's in media that are always searching for a man.

My mom is single, not desperate.

10 The Autistic Idiot

I have autism, and teachers consider me one of the best students, and I got an award for best Intelligent Progress or something like that. I had a friend who wasn't good at first, but then he blew up to be the most intelligent in the class. We autistics can be smart. We're just like other kids, but more socially impaired and thinking in a different, and this "socially impaired" thing shouldn't be a label if you ask me. Some autistics are good at being social.

This should be number 1! I'm autistic and I usually get good grades like the rest of the students. Autistic does not mean you are lesser, and it can sometimes affect people differently. This is wrong, I can't believe people think this is correct. Disgusting.

The Contenders
11 The "Terrorist" Muslim

If you live in a country where a large part of the population is Muslim, I think you have a more differentiated look on such things. In the US, racism means hating on black people, in Austria and Germany, it means hating on Muslims. In the US, rap music is made mainly by black people, in Austria and Germany it is made by Muslims. Schools in this countries here have many Muslim students, living together with Christians and Atheists. Yeah, there still is racism. As in the US, but there are many people standing for unity and against the stereotypes. I think that in the US, there aren't as many muslims and therefore not a big movement against the stereotypes and the racism.

12 Wolves are Evil

Yeah! Wolves are not evil, they are nicer than HUMANS! At least them do not kill animals and plants for nothing. They kill to eat. We kill to eat as well. If we do it, why THEM are the BAD ONES?

13 The Asian Schoolgirl

Well, it is normally for Asian children to go to school, so of course they are" schoolgirls". But if you mean like super smart and nerdy, than three of my Asian friends at school are not like this.

Funny. This stereotype is usually used by Asian films.

14 Tomboys Hate Girly Girls and Vice Versa

My best friend is a girly girl and I'm a tomboy...we've been friends since 3!

15 “All Black People Are Dangerous”

My parents are Asian and they are afraid of black people. I wish they can see the nice and kind side of them.

I know countless black people, only one of them is an ungrateful brat. The rest of them are kind.

16 Germans are Nazi Worshipers

Actually it's the opposite. Your not allowed to show a swastika (pretty sure I spelt it wrong) except for educational or historical purposes

WHAT? People stereotype just because of things that happened in the far past.

17 Only White People Can Be Racist

All of these stereotypes are bad (but at least the first is true), but I vote this one simply because it's currently the most common stereotype.

It's aggravating anyone can be racist! What if someone who's not your skin colod walked up to you and started yelling at you for being a skin color GASP guess what what if they're not a certain skin color people assume are only racist

I never knew there was something like this...I met white racists, black racists, asian racists...

18 Thin Wimpy Boy

Characters like Hiccup from "How to Train Your Dragon" pushed this character to the limit, and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"'s Greg Heffley drove it into overkill.

I know plenty thin people who are not wimpy.

This website knows me too well, man.

19 Damsel in Distress

I was walking around the woods with one of my friends, when her 7 year old brother came running up to us with a shotgun. He said his dad told him to protect us. I told him we could take care of ourselves. He handed me the gun and told my to prove it. I responded by shooting some squirrels. He later threatened to shoot me with that same gun. I pulled a knife on him and told him to drop the gun. He told his mom and I got grounded. When I told his mom about the threats, she sold the gun. I came from a rough household, I think I'm capable of self defense. Stupid sexist idiots.

20 All Children are Brats

Did you just call the whole universe a brat? We were all born, yes? We are all children of someone.

My nieces and nephews are very well behaved.

21 Emo Cutter

Emo is a subculture that challenges the regular gender stereotypes, especially concerning the "Boys Don't Cry" attitude when it comes to male emos. Men feel as much pain in life as women, but society keeps them from expressing in the same way girls could. Emos don't care about that. Many people don't know how to deal with that and that's where the stereotype comes from. every time people don't understand something because it is out of the ordinary, they totally exaggarate it to unnormal extremes making it seem weirder and more illogical than it actually is.

22 Fat People are Bad
23 The Douchebag Atheist

This one really irritates me. I mean come on people! Not all atheists are jerks. There are some really nice atheists who care about other people and respect other people's beliefs.

I hate how people think Atheists are so mean. I am one, and I respect all religion very much. I don't care what religion you have - it's your belief, I respect it, and that's all that has to be said.

Yes! My best friend is an atheist (I am a Christian) and we get along great. She and I never discuss religion (she doesn't feel comfortable when we do, frankly, neither do I).

24 “All Muslims Are Terrorists”
25 Popular Girls are Mean
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