Top 10 Worst Things About the American Right

Personally I'm a centrist who takes concepts from different ideologies, so if you think I'm here trying to defend the left, I'm not. A lot of lists here have pointed out obvious problems with the American left, but less have pointed out the equally flawed Republican side. So I'm making this list. Note: this does not refer to all American rightists, just the general cliché right.
The Top Ten
1 Wanting to expand the military when the US is already the most powerful country in the world

I agree, I don't think the military needs anymore expanding, but this comment about us "terrorizing" other countries is absolutely wrong. You're saying basically we were wrong for trying to help them. You're saying it's our fault 9-11 happened, not the Islamic Terrorist. It's not our fault it's dangerous to go to the Middle East. This has been happening since the Crusades. That area has always been dangerous. Apparently we are wrong for trying to help. Plus the terrorist attacks still would've happened. There's been attacks in France, Great Britain, Israel, Syria, and of course the US. You can't blame Terrorism on us.

2 Complaining about the left's hypocrisy whereas they bear just as much of it

For example, they hate the left for abortion because it's murder, yet glorify the easiest weapon to kill with, and expensive as heck healthcare that prevents the poor from getting treatment. And complaining about white oppression while at the same time oppressing blacks

The left has hypocrisy, I can't disagree, but the right has hypocrisy too. You will see more "Liberal logic 101" posts than "Conservative logic 101" posts. Yeah, the left does have hypocrisy, but, everyone's at least a little bit of a hypocrite.

3 Believing anything remotely left is Communism, even if it's more effective

More the Trump conservatives than the Bush conservatives, this can apply to democrats too. But, the democrats believe anything remotely right is fascism. The republicans believe anything remotely left is communism. It's just hatred of the other side. We all want to win.

Taxing, social democracy, free healthcare, acceptance, et cetera.

It's no wonder so many communists and socialists say "it wasn't real communism/socialism."

4 Complaining about abortion but being ok with loose gun laws

Both of these two are huge killers, which one side supports, and another hates. It's pretty disgusting honestly. And I'll go as far as saying loose gun laws is much worse than abortion. What if the person was raped for example? Loose gun laws on the other hand, lead to anyone being able to buy a dangerous gun, as easy as possible, and then shoot up whoever they desire. And yes, I know if they were banned, they'd still sell guns on the black market, but it's still not as risky as anyone being able to buy a gun on Walmart. But at least put heavier regulations!

5 Bringing religion into politics

Religion is simply the #1 problem of America these days and it's mainly why I have a problem with America. It's even worse due to the fact I live in the deep south and I abhor on where I live at. Religion is over their boundaries and has expanded much enough territory in this country. Instead, Science should ultimately triumph over Religion.

Specifically, christianity. Religion is not science, and should not be in power of a nation. It's also that which I believe causes most rightists in the US to be so bigoted and old-school towards immigrants, LGBT, etc.

6 Racism

This is over exaggerated by people that have never lived in the South. If you go to the south, the large majority of people are very kind to people of color. A very small minority of people are truly racist. Also not supporting Black Lives Matter (the organization) does not make you a racist.

Only a small amount of them are actually racist. Here's the thing I support the idea of the BLM movement I think they should stop police brutality and discrimination but I don't support the groups behind it Antifa burns down buildings and destroys things for no reason. BLM says they care about black lives but in reality they only care when it's a white person or police officer committing a crime. Where are they when it's a black man committing the crime?

7 Arrogance

A lot of american rightists and republicans in general seem to have this obsession with "owning the libtards" and acting like all liberals are super stupid on every level, to feel better about themselves. Even though they're just as wrong as the liberals.

Democrats can be too, but republicans can be arrogant.

This Kinda applies to both although it's more common on the Right side

8 Bandwagoning

A problem the left suffers from too, but the right aren't cleared of that either.

9 Selfishness

They are out to enrich themselves and their rich donors, and that is all there is to it. They simply do not have the best interests of the working family or the working man or the poor, huddled masses in mind. They have no principles whatsoever, no morals, and are only there because it's a powerful position.

Look no further than the racism, arrogance and expensive healthcare and you get my point.

Everyone is at least a little selfish in at least one way.

10 Acting like taxes are the worst thing ever

Well they are a good thing However here's the problem when the government hands out food stamps or whatever then they just tax people more. That's why "free" healthcare and "free" education don't actually exist. The right believes you should work hard and earn money. Why should we have to be punished by taxes just so people can be lazy and live off the government? That's just my 2 cents though

I'm pretty sure money isn't everything you need. Look at Scandinavia, we have big taxes yet we're not only happy countries, but also happier than the US.

The Contenders
11 Believing English is the most important language in the world

The most important language in the world is debatable. When I visit a country whose inhabitants don't speak English, I try to learn some of their language before I travel there. I don't expect them to speak English - that's arrogance - and they really appreciate it if you make the effort to converse in their language.

Um that's, because we live in America. In America you are expected to speak English. It's not illegal to speak another language, but you should be able to speak a little English. I understand that if I go to another country, why can't you?

12 Supporting the coal industry
13 Supporting separation of kids and parents at border
14 Only caring about the debt when there's a Democrat president

When Obama was in office, they were crying about the debt posed by him. What happens when we elect a Republican president in the next few years? Not a damn thing.

15 Hating education
16 Not fighting corrupt governments
17 Not supporting free healthcare

Because free healthcare doesn't actually exist. That's not how the world works someone has to pay the doctors someone has to pay for the medical equipment and the medicine. This also applies to free education as well. Nothing is actually "free"

Like dude seriously? Sure maybe the healthcare is advanced in the US, but what's an advanced healthcare system for when no one can afford it? Do they realise how expensive the healthcare bills are?

18 Hating public transit
19 Thinking that poor people don't work
20 Not realising the worst things the left did was in early America
21 Not realising they are pro-birth

As someone who is thinks abortion is disgusting (don't attack me), the "Pro-life" label is very hypocritical as is the "pro-choice" label. For example, Republicans be like "I'm pro-life, here's my gun collection! I use this one to shoot deer" and Democrats be like "I'm pro choice! Women's bodies, women's bodies!" but then be like "YOU HAVE TO believe THIS OR You're A SEXIST PIG!"

22 Not realising the Constitution is outdated
23 Thinking everyone with a job is middle class or rich
24 Thinking the rich paying taxes for healthcare is communism or socialism
25 Not getting that gun control means less shooting
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