Worst Things About Anti-Rustlers

The Top Ten
1 They justify bad actions just because the people who did them were against rustlers

This was the case when a certain anti rustler tried to justify the actions 2 certain users just because one of them USED to be hypersensitive and both of them were hated by rustlers and got lot's of harsh criticism from rustlers.
That doesn't excuse their actions.Now 1 of these controversial users has been redeemed as he has apologized and regretted his actions and you wouldn't believe that he was the same person he was 8 months ago.
The other user not only acted like he was the victim but still hasn't been redeemed.

Although 1 of these users is good now that doesn't excuse their actions yet the anti rustlers(Or at least their leader) still tries to justify their actions just because the 2 users were anti rustlers and recieved lot's of harsh criticism from rustlers.

We don't justify bad actions. It's just that we don't hop on the bandwagon and hate on users because someone told me they were bad. Perspectives can be biased and I'd rather garner more information before having an opinion. Big difference

Bad actions are still bad actions rustler or anti rustler.

Which users were you talking about?

2 Their hypocrisy

So they claim rustlers are immature just because we like memes(Which I don't see how that's immature) and because we debunk their criticisms(Which shows anti rustlers can't take criticism which shows that they are immature.) yet they report people just because they make a joke that anti rustlers don't like.
Just shows who the immature ones are.

3 They act like harsh criticism is bullying

It actually can be if it's just used for the sake of bullying and being annoying. For example, criticizing someone's older content even though that was the far past, and if you do it very often. It's simply bullying in that matter because you've already changed from then most likely. Otherwise it's not

Criticism isn't bullying and never will be.Even if it's harsh.In many ways it's quite constructive.I mean just look at Kevinsidis.Kevinsidis was one of those controversial users that the anti rustlers(Or at least their leader) whose actions,they tried to justify.He is much more mature now and you wouldn't believe that him today and him 8 months ago are the same people.

Criticism is helpful, even if harsh. If someone says "I don't like (your project), it needs more detail," don't just cry in the corner. Learn.

Criticism can be helpful and help improve you

4 Many of them act like jokes and memes are harassment

Again,I don't know if they actually think this but some of them act like it.I mean if someone makes a joke or a meme that you don't like then ignore it.It's not your type of humor so you should just ignore it instead of censoring someone just because they like dark humor/edgy humor.
You anti rustlers wonder why everyone else here thinks you're immature and hypersensitive.Well look at how you act as if rustlers or anyone else who likes edgy jokes are harassing you just because they have a different sense of humor than you and you also act like harsh criticism is bullying.

If a person in general decide to cyberbully someone with bad memes and edgy jokes for the sake of being a twit for a very long time, it's harassment.

Certain individuals say that autism jokes are harassment

5 They act like hypersensitive/oversensitive people are victims when they are parasites

Hypersensitive/oversensitive people are parasites because they are trying to take away free speech and no I'm not exaggerating this.I mean just look at them.They are always getting butthurt and trying to censor anyone who disagrees with them or makes a joke they don't like,etc.They even get offended over facts.
I mean our president shut down the government just because some people disagreed with him
SJW's get offended over facts and so do anti vaxxers,creationists,etc

Do you actually see these people as victims?

Trolls are just as much parasites. Some sensitive people are victims. Not all but some. Learn to not generalise

6 Many of them can't take criticism

They think rustlers are immature just because we can actually debunk criticism.This is only giving away the fact that some anti rustlers can't take criticism which shows that they are the immature ones.

7 Some of them will falsely report people

There was a certain anti rustler who is now retired who got people reported over elimination games.At least that guy regrets it now.

This I agree with. Still, it's only a minority

8 They think the policy somehow creates a safe environment

I don't know about you but I'd prefer being on a website with a policy preventing crazy people from constantly swearing and giving the site a further bad rep, than a site where people act like that. I'm not saying swearing is a super horrible thing, but, constantly using it isn't necessarily the prettiest to look at. There's another website for that. That's what a lot of karians and anti-rustlers mean by "safe"

Alright,I know this is their opinion and I'm fine with that but how does "the policy" make the site safe if sometimes it gets users falsely suspended.

Besides this site isn't your little safe space.If you seriously have that mentality then I feel bad for you as you probably won't survive the real world or even the internet for that matter.

As I say, it'd be fine of the fifth article wasn't treated like the second coming of Christ.

Nah the policy is cancer

9 They act like the rustlers are bad for having obsessions when they themselves also have it

No one, and I mean no one ever said this. It astounds me how inaccurate this item is. Having an obsession is fine, shoving it down everyone's throat is not

10 They think it's bad when people say that they were joking or being sarcastic

Um what? No, I do not at all think it's bad when people say they are sarcastic. I get annoyed when the rustlers try to be sarcastic at all times and can't be taken seriously. There's a difference

How is this bad? They have to give heads up when people get offended so of course they will say they were sarcastic or they were joking.

Oh look *insert rustler's username here* made an edgy joke. Let's cry like a baby over it!

Well, I'm in for a fun ride.

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