Top 10 Worst Things that About in Avengers: Infinity War

The Top Ten
1 Spider-Man Dies

He's the most overrated character in the movie

I don't wanna go...I'm sorry

2 Thanos Won
3 Gamora Dies
4 The Ending
5 The Whole Thing is an Ad
6 Captain Marvel Advertisement
7 Half of the Characters Die

I think the ones that died from the snap will come back. I'm not sure about Heimdall, Gamora, and Loki, though.

8 Little Plot Development
9 Loki and Heimdall Die
10 They Could’ve Defeated Thanos Easily in Different Ways

They could of gotten ant boy to go up purple shrek with leafys missing chins butthole and grow back again but no

The Contenders
11 Too Much is Going On
12 Star-Lord punches Thanos while the heroes almost got the chance to remove the gauntlet off from Thanos
13 It's Another Superhero Movie
14 It Feels Like Hunger Games
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