Worst Things About Being a Boy

The Top Ten
1 They're Always Bored

we are bored because male existence is fragile, its in our nature to raise/develop families, we mean no harm, stereotypes & standards restricts the expression of males. every relationship that happens is no coincidence with us, every relationship that occurs occurred naturally since it's a self fulfilling prophecy, every prophecy must go fulfilled, every male interaction isn't a joke nor prank. a fool with the average intellect can spot & notice what is artificial & what is real & genuine, everything happens happens because it happened for a reason, going against that alters patterns, every pattern has its meaning & purpose & without that neither you nor I would't be here.

Welcome to my life

2 They Don't Talk To Each other

That's why I like being a boy

3 They Like Scary Stuff And Horror Movies
4 They Live in a World that Hates Them
5 They Never Shop For New Clothes

I don't either.

I'm a girl.

6 They're Strong

You girls just never admit it. You gusy are more intelligent and boys are stronger ITS JUST HOW WE ARE MADE JUST ADMIT IT.

Girls are strong too

Girls are so strong

7 Getting Kicked In the Balls
8 Most of History's Worst Human Beings are Male

Why is this bad?

9 They Like Rock Music Instead Of Pop

I'm a girl and I like rock infinity times better than pop (unless it's Never Gonna Give You Up, that's my favorite song). But electronic music is still the best B)

Rock is the best genre ever. Pop is the worst

How this can be the worst?

10 They Have Really Deep Voices When They Sing
The Contenders
11 They Always Pull Pranks
12 Drilling that They're "Privileged" Into Their Heads
13 Rappers Rap To Boys
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