Worst Things About Boys

Yeah, they can be nice and sweet. But sometimes... !
The Top Ten
1 Their 'cool' talking about the 'b****es' they can get.

"Guys! Guess what I did! I slapped a booty, IKR! Cool! She acted so angry and tried to put me down but lol what a female dog. Best feeling ever, important time of my life! by the way how come she never smiles?" Seriously, see a guy like this, see him as a nobody.

Only the ones who think they're 'gangsta'.

You know what is cool? A guy who shows 100% of his care for one girl.

You know what isn't? Getting a load of girlfriends at one time and saying you're badass for it.

Do even understand us boys? We aren't addicted to women that we want to sleep with. Don't make me start a champaign about women beating their husbands.

2 Brag about getting drunk and high all the time.

So? I'm an adult and call grown men "boys" same for women "girls".

This list is about grown men

3 Their obsession with games.

I'm a girl, and I think this list is wrong! Both genders are created equal. Some boys make lists saying why girls are bad, so let's prove that we're better people than that by not trying to get back. He is a horrible person, yes, but that was only one boy out of a million!

Yea...boys r awesome, but so are girls. I hate boys that think girls are helpless poor kids, but boys that treat girls equally r nice and cool. PS. I hate boys who are all disgusting and like boobs...eww!

I'm gonna take a wild guess that this list was made by a girl

4 They act different around you with friends.

Yup. It makes you feel like he doesn't care about you.

5 They go to jail

So do some girls

6 They can be really aggressive

What this girl was aggressive to another kid too

7 They tell us to be 'not so sexist', but they keep talking about who they want to sleep with.

Whoever put this is an idiot! Talking about who they want to sleep with is not sexist!

Well then, explain what you said about all attractive boys being gay.

How is this sexist? I mean, yeah, it's disturbing, but how is it sexist?

I say! Surely there was a more diplomatic way to put that, hmm?

8 That sagging pants.

My mom said that men in prision sag their pants in jail that implies that they want to have sex, With the same gender!

9 They swear so much

Well, at school, the girls cuss too. Plus boys and girls are very friendly.

Some girls can swear too

10 They can be really harsh.

Don't you mean honest?

The Contenders
11 Listening...? Nope...

Girls hardly listen either, unless you TEXT pit to them. Then they'll finally respond, even when you're standing right there!

Now you're just making fun of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Girls don't listen because they spends half their lives on the phone.

12 They are rude and offensive sometimes

Are saying that girls are never mean to boys? Answer: you're wrong. Girls can be just as jerks as men are. They insult you by your looks or clothes and crap like that.

So are some girls

So is this list.

13 Men act really disgusting to women
14 They want their girlfriends to look like supermodels, but they don't care about their own looks

Only guys who are pigs and hypocrites are like this. Seriously a guy can be almost like a hairy beast, but when a female only has little hair on her legs, he becomes easily grossed out about that. Hello dude, she's not like you, at least she keeps hers clean and very short cut.

15 They support Donald Trump

Why does it matter if they support Donald Trump? Does that make them rasict? Sexist?

I wish he never existed (and john lennon never got shot)

I'm a girl and I also think Donald Trump is a big loser

I'm a boy and I think Donald Trump is a huge loser!

16 If a lot of girls like a boy, then he is gay.

What? Yes, some boys act this way, but just because a ton of girls like a boy doesn't mean he's gay. At my school, kids who have never been able to get a girlfriend (pretty much only me since all the girls are hogged by the popular boys, and no girl will give me a chance because the popular boys do all in their power to keep as many girls as possible to themselves) are the ones who are accused of gayness!

You know that's not true. You're list is terrible and so are your arguments. Plus this list basically portrays us as "sex-driven" which is ridiculous! The guy is not gay, he just doesn't like you because you make lists like this.

Could somebody explain this to me. How is it that many girls liking a boy somehow means that boy is gay?

17 Most of history's worst human beings are male

This is only because men were more involved for much of history. Most of the greatest heroes of history are also men

18 They pee their pants

babies pee their pants and some are girls; everyone regardless of gender pees their pants as a baby

19 Girl discrimination

True, so true. Boy tell girls they can't do stuff like, for instance, play football, wrestle, lift weights, be in professional sports, really many things anyone can do but typically boys do. Even my grandma and mom don't think I can do any of that stuff cause I'm a girl! Luckily though, my grandpa thinks I can get into the MLB

I am a boy and I am poor at sports and is kinda girly. And so I got discriminated! The feeling is certainly spartan torture and cancer.

20 They're sexist

I even voted on this list right after the Worst things about girls list not to be sexist.

So is this stupid list.

No they aren't, You are!

Girls can be too

21 They are too insensitive

Not true my 5 year old brother is

22 They smell like crap
23 They can treat women poorly

Spoiler alert cupcake, we DO! The guys who don't are just criminals or weed addicts. You should be grateful that we both go to school, let alone have privileges. P.S I'm not being mean, I'm just standing up for my gender.

This is true in some circumstances but women treat them bad too and some guys are really sweet and kind once you get to know them. Never judge a book by its cover. (: (;

I'm a guy and I have two sisters so I would never treat a girl poorly

24 They fart a lot

I can't do anything about it blame our digestion systems but laughing about it is gross. Even a boy can feel it.

And they laugh likes its funny but it's gross.

25 Too much toilet humor
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