Top 10 Worst Things About Comparison Lists

The Top Ten
1 Compare things that have nothing in common

Adventure Time and Ebola, Poop and Lil Wayne, Justin Bieber and Gravity Falls, how can you compare those things?

Adventure Time and Ebola, enter Top Tenner here and Kim Kardashian. Seriously they make no sense!

Adventure Time and Ebola, Diamonds with Porcupines, Britgirl with Justin Bieber, etc.

2 They are repetitive

There's practically endless opportunities to slap one together in 30 seconds, so they're easily becoming lazy fodder for lists that screams quantity over quality. Not to mention comparison lists are often invalid, as the two things being compared are usually completely different to each other in the first place.

It's getting old. And some items on comparison lists are kinda similar, like this one is funnier, and that (insert a fictional character) is cool, etc...

They are very annoyingly repetitive. They're the same criteria, and rarely supported with anything that justifies the list's existence.

Nope,not really

3 Some of them are really dumb

Actually their awesome,what is dumb is all of you people whining

One said that everyone loves caillou.

I'd say "many" or "most" rather than "some"

Like the ones you make

4 They went downhill

I feel like this kind of list became dumber with the time

They went uphill

5 It offends some fans

Offense is not given, it is taken. If you want to be offended by other people's opinions, you may, but don't blame the person who "offended" you.

Oh great frozen caps girl is here. And this isn't even a frozen list.

Looks like the "All Caps Girl " came here

Because they don't respect opinions

6 They rarely have valid information
7 Reasons why (insert user here) is better than (insert famous person here)

Those lists are uninspired. Users and famous people have nothing in common. The worst thing is there is a list like that about me.

I guess I failed at trying to encourage people. Yes, I started this list trend.

Honestly, these lists are seriously ridiculous.


8 They are so bad it becomes hilarious

See my list! Top Ten Reasons Why Winx Club and Sailor Moon is Better Than The Transformers and Disney Infinity!

9 They're pointless
10 It's ridiculous

What's ridiculous is you feeding the trolls

The Contenders
11 They make online wars
12 They don't make sense
13 They are annoying

Yea,reasons why diamonds are better then porcupines and reasons why wind club is better then transformers are annoying

14 Comparing things that are both good and both bad
15 Most are biased

Nobody wants to actually debate anything in this site, we just want to be told over and over that Thing-X is better or worse than Thing-Y. Just looks at all the Justin Beiber hate lists, they're all totally unoriginal.

16 Trolls
17 Most of them are based on opinions and not facts
18 Other users make lists that prove how those ones are wrong

Honestly, I don't know what's more sad: The fact that they exist; or the fact that people still respond to them, even when they are blatantly trolling.

19 Stat padding
20 Confusing logic
21 They are a waste of time
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