Worst Things About Fortnite Haters

I'm pretty sure you know I like Fortnite but I can respect your opinion if you don't like it.But most of the haters I have seen are just annoying. Of course not all Fortnite haters are like this but most of the ones that I have seen are so yeah just wanted to point out that this isn't towards all of them but rather the ones that have these qualities.
The Top Ten
1 Most of them hate Fortnite just because it's overrated

I don't care for the game. It look okay, but I'm not much of a gamer, so who am I to judge?

Not really it's just a boring, repetitive game, in my opinion at least

They ate it just because it's overrated.Most of them have never even played the game at all.

If PUBG was popular instead everyone would hate PUBG instead.

2 Some of them think Fortnite should be banned just because they don't like it

Why should it be banned? If it should be banned for being popular than smart phones and technology should be banned too

Sorry but just because you hate something doesn't mean it should be banned so how about you snowflakes grow up.

Or compare it to things like a certain type of disease, mental disorders, and violence in real life.

Really? Just because you don't like something that's popular, doesn't mean it should be banned.

3 The only thing they do is bash Fortnite

Hey! that's not true!

If we hate fortnite so much, then why would we get involved with it!

Am I right or am I right?

Nah, it is not the only thing I do. I bash movies in my list on video games boi

There are plenty of worse game out there. No doubt about that.

There's worse games like Infinite Warfare and Sonic 06

4 They think that if you like the game you're either a noob or a cheater

I like fortnite and I'm not either of them.

5 They disrespect the opinions of Fortnite fans

Kinda goes with the first,third and fourth items.And yes I know some fortnite fans disrespect the opinions of fortnite haters but from what I've seen 80% the haters disrespect the opinions.

Some certain user I don't want to say the name of disrespected my friend PeeledBanana's opinion on the game on the list of Best games of 2018

This is not true. I hate fortnite but if you like fortnite, then that's fine

Fortnite fans disrespect opinions of Fortnite haters, too

6 They think if you like Fortnite you worship it

I hate it mainly because of the lack of grit and the " I FIND A GOLD SCAR! 1" kids.

I like fortnite but I don't worship it.

Since when did someone say that

7 They think that if you play Fortnite you don't play any other games

My favorite games are: Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted, Super Smash Bros, Mario, Gran Turismo, Team fortress 2, Etc now tell me that I don't "play" any other games

I play tons of other games.And also my favourite game is Destiny 2 but Fortnite is my 2nd favourite.

No, I think that some play other games.

8 Most of them haven't played the game

I agree with this. I'm not a massive fan and I have played the game. Not all Fortnite fans are bad, but 10% - 15% of them are. I was watching a guy once, in real life, who kept saying if you don't like Fortnite then you should go back to your sad life. I also had my friends brother screaming at me to jump off the edge because it's a 'cheat' to get first place just so he could have a turn again. I didn't jump off the edge, and I got further than he did despite never playing the game before that. I'm not just a huge fan of the game, that's all.

9 They have weak arguments

Yeah! They just want it to be banned because they hate it! Just because you hate a game doesn't mean it should be banned! Here are examples of their arguments:

1. "It's overrated! " My opinion on this statement:Just because a game is overrated doesn't mean it's bad!

2. "It's more addictive than drugs! " My opinion on this statement: Yes, I can sorta agree with that, but at least Fortnite is better than drugs. It's stupid how some countries are banning Fortnite, but not banning drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

3. "It's for little kids! " My opinion on this statement: It's for all ages! And if it WAS for little kids, then why do popular streamers like Ninja and Tfue play it and earn so much?!

4. "It causes people to be virgins! " My opinion on this statement: Sure, maybe some people are like this, but many streamers have girlfriends and spouses.

5. "People who play it don't play anything but Fortnite! " My opinion on this statement: Some people are like ...more


1. It's overrated!
2. It causes people to be virgins!
3. It's for little kids!
4. People who play it don't play any other games!
5. It ripped off of PUBG and many other games!
6. Minecraft is better!
7. It's more addictive than drugs!
8. It's violent!

I swear the strongest arguments that these guys have is "Fortnite is overrated" and "It causes drama" or "It's a ripoff of PUBG"

Most of them haven't even played the game, Let alone seen gameplay of it

10 They hate it for being overrated but like other overrated things

They hate Fortnite for being overrated, and their favorite movie is Avengers Infinity War, which is overrated.

They hate it for being too popular but love Minecraft.

The Contenders
11 Some of them are nostalgiatards

Possibly because back in the day...kids weren't allowed to play games like Fortnite.


Some of them are nostalgiatards who will bash anything that became popular after 2007.

12 They think Fortnite is ripoff of PUBG

Yes epic clearly mentions that they like PUBG when announcing FBR but that doesn't mean it is a ripoff. If anything PUBG ripped off Fortnite with implementing the event pass an obvious ripoff of the battle pass.

Not only that but they praise overwatch despite being a TF2 ripoff and praise Call of Duty despite being a Battlefield ripoff and praise minecraft despite being a terraria ripoff.

It's time to debunk this once and for all.Fortnite is not a ripoff because fortnite has different graphics,building mechanics,guns,skins,etc.

Said me and my brother back in November of 2017.

13 They overreact to everything
14 They think if you play Fortnite that makes you a 7-year-old

Yeah. Like in a running class, one guy asked me what video games I play. And I said Fortnite. And then he was like "Seriously? You're that dude?! Come on! Why do you even play it?! " I was feeling so embarrassed and uncomfortable inside. If I had the courage to snap back at him. I would.

15 They ruin everything in the game

So do Fortnite fantards! They think they're so cool for playing Fortnite and only play Fortnite! And most of them are huge sweaties and tryhards! And they attack people for hating the game!

16 They hate it just because it's a shooter

The ones that don't like PUBG hate Fortnite just because of the fact that it's a shooter, which they tend to associate with casual gamers.

17 They like pizza

I like pizza and like fortnite.

How is that bad.Pizza is good.And this coming from someone who likes Fortnite.In fact I created this list.

I like both of them.

18 They just suck
19 They like music
20 They make death threats
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