Worst Things About India

I'm an Indian, so no one knows India better than me.

There are things which I hate about my country. So here's a list of things I hate about my country.
The Top Ten
1 Unhygienic and Dirty Environment

Yeah, everywhere, even Government Schools are so Crappy and Smelly.

I think people like living in unhealthy environment, they will rather buy expensive phones, bikes than constructing a toilet in their home, they poop and take bath in the same river... They don't throw their garbage in garbage dumps but rather just throw it on streets

Poor Drainage system, poor waste collection/dumping system and still no toilets in some rural areas

Everything is very dirty

2 Lack of Respect for Women

India is the only country where wearing western clothes seems vulgar and wearing saree with open 7 inch back and showing off skin of belly is traditional and so dharmic

A girl can't walk freely in the streets.Its definate she would get bad stares from sone of boys and people who view women as inferior.

Not only in India my friend every where in the world its still happening.

Women are just not safe in India, most disgusting place for women.

3 Poverty

The world bank report says that only 11% of all Indians fall under the poverty line but the truth is something else.. 50% of people in India do not have a roof upon their head (homeless)
53% Indian houses do not have toilets.. People poop on fields and railway tracks...
At every traffic signal you'll find childrens begging...
Moreover the govt is also not doing much to overcome this problem

You are right India is the poorest

4 Caste System

People being born into certain jobs, without a choice, is awful.

5 Sexual Assault

A very serious issue

6 Corruption

This is a very big problem...
When the govt is corrupt, no hope remains for the people... Corruption is done on very big scale here... And moreover they are stealing money from those who have very less to lose which is a matter of shame

Yeah corruption is like a normal routine here.

This should be number 1

7 Racism

Yes. Northies call Southies kaala while their skin is also the same. Even fricking kids are racist. And most importantly everyone hates against muslims. I am hindu by the way

Yes people in India are very racist... When a white foreigner comes to India people look at them as if they're aliens,...
Plus students from north east India, when come to cities like delhi for higher education, they are beaten to death... Which is ridiculous...
They blame Australians for killing Indian students but do the same in their country

Ya indians are. Racism mingle in to their blood and minds they never put forward to change some may adopt to change but never encouraged to such things by parents and relatives they should teach equality to their children starting from childhood

Yes! One thing I hate in India is the racism.. Government also supports the caste system! Everyone need to put their caste in their names. This is the worst thing in India.. Lower caste peoples are treated like an animal or even worse than that.

8 Superstitious Mindset

I am an Indian living in America and my mom literally has stupid superstitions. She most likely got them from her parents Here is an example below of some dumb things she believes in:

- Don't give things like scissors, knives, or salt straight to someone's hand

- Don't do things like shave, get haircut, or trim nails on certain days

- Putting hand on head or shaking legs brings bad luck

- Opening new things on non-auspicious days will bring bad luck

- Sitting on the ground or putting things on the ground will suck the energy right out of you or the object on the ground

People offer milk, sweets, fruits, money, gold, silver in temples but never think that those things can be given to the poor people sitting outside the temples...
They take sacred bath in rivers.. Though the rivers are highly contaminated, human corpses floating, dead remains of animals and many more things...
They sometimes sacrifice animals like goats, chicken to God which according to me is absolutely ridiculous...
They do many more ridiculous things in the name if superstition

People in India are extremely idiot, they believe in every stupid thing.

9 Hate towards Pakistani people

India's own PM would host a terrorist attack in his own country and blame it on Pakistan just to gain votes. India is also the sole country that celebrates deaths and tragic events, I'm talking about Pakistan because India is overly obsessed with Pakistan's affairs and I don't know why they don't get over it

And Muslims, generally. Which is why BJP shouldn't have won. Muslim rulers are behind the marvels of India today including the Taj Mahal and not to mention the delicious cuisine yet Muslims are worth getting killed over eating meat in this filthy underdeveloped nation.

This is totally one of the worst things about India in history. They are the source of hatred and have always caused rifts. Why is India incredible when it supports what Israel does or teams up with USA and sends spies into Pakistan? India is so daft they release a film in 2018 about a spy girl going to Pakistan during 1971. Tell me who the terrorists are, no really, think about it.

India needs to look at themselves and fix the problems in this list before bullying Pakistan which they do all the time, a country that's twice as small, and I don't understand why the Pakistani prime minister has always tried making peace with Indians because that's a two way thing and Narendra clearly has malicious motives and doesn't want peace! People should start looking at India for what it is, it's a malicious nation. I wouldn't want Kashmiris suffering under their occupation, no thanks.

10 Stupid Superstition

As a Hindu teen living in the US, my mom believes in such dumb superstitions. Here are some things:

- Don't give scissors, knives, or salt straight to someone's hand
- Don't shave or trim nails on certain days
- Don't shake your leg or put hand on head or it will bring bad luck
- Wait to open new things on "auspicious" days or else bad things will happen
- Don't wear black on certain days
- If you sit on the ground or put things on it, the ground will suck the energy right out
- If you don't make your bed, negative energy will come and demons will dance on your bed
- Believing in astrology or fortune tellers to do things or plan our future.

She got them from my maternal grandparents. So far, my maternal grandma is the worst when it comes to dumb superstitions. She even uses auspicious dates to open new things like new toothpaste and stuff.

They hang lemon and chili in front of house for wealth. Are they okay?

Also they believe that it is bad luck if black cat crosses your way!

The Contenders
11 Malayalam

Actually, what is worse is the people who voted for this.

You too are a racist then

Worst language

12 Population

They say in India, movies and sex are the top two entertainments. Most are so poor and or illiterate that "safe sex" is often not an option. And abortion is way too expensive or dangerous. All this and several other factors contribute to India's population.

Even half of Indians die overnight, India still be the second most populated country in the world.

Population is not the liability for the country. It can be the asset for the nation.

Over crowded

13 Traffic

In India some important places only respect to the traffic rules and signal but many more cities,downs and village are not respect for traffic rules so only accident will increase in our dialysis life.so please respect traffic rules,stop the traffic accident

14 Languagism

Yes. North people think Hindi is the most superior language and english is trash. Like what?

Well I don't think it's bad to have different languages. India is a diverse country with many cultures you can't just tell anyone to stop talking in their mother tongue. I don't think it should be a problem if people speak in more than one language. If they can communicate well with a foreigner I don't think the should be a problem. If someone has a problem they have to live with that

Most Indians are taught at least 2 languages, depending where you live. Many of them are taught English but many Indians find English as a useless language. But a lot of Indians that find English as a useful language, want their kids to be only taught English rather than Hindi or their native language so it can make them more, "educated" There is no language that will make you more or less educated.

Indians speak a lot of languages, I live in a state where people speak a different language and its like living in a different country, similarly each state has its own language, which is too annoying...

15 Egoism

No one in the world has a bigger ego than the elite Brahmin caste members. These people claim that they are derived from the God's head (highest position in the body) and therefore claim to have been conferred with supreme intelligence and thus a pre-eminent position in the society and government even though they are less than 1% of India's population. Sad part is some majority non-brahmins believe this to be true. Since India's Independence from the British (who favored Brahmins above all other caste members - due to the Brahmins' "extreme" flexible nature), most of the Indian Prime Ministers were Brahmins or persons deliberately selected by Brahmins including the present one. In essence, India's History and culture is the Brahmins' version that is predominant and anything else is conveniently shaded from the people.

I m living in nagpur Maharashtra the people here are very proudy and have lot of ego no one help any other person their way of taking is worst

16 Child Marriage

Just not right

17 Climate

You simply can't say india has a hot climate. As india is not just a country it's a sub continent and india has too many climatic zones and too much variations in temperature and flora and fauna. For instance in himalayan region temperatures fall as low as -17 where as in coastal and desert and plains it varies.

Well this is not under people's control, but I just hate Indian climate, its too hot and enervating...
Many homeless people die in summers...

18 Unemployment

Unemployment is rampant and there are no real figures available from any reliable source.

19 Regionalism
20 The People There Are Idiots

Especially the men, all they do is try and scam you.

And you said Pakistani people were idiots...

They are very much idiots

21 Illiterate People

I was a recruiter 20 years ago..at that time and before, this was a fact. 1980s - 2000. The most brilliant minds of India got on a plane and came to the U.S. or Canada or somewhere/anywhere else. My belief was that India needed these minds...if they had stayed in India, my belief was New Delhi would be Silicon Valley...however, with age comes a new way of thinking..i don't believe India could have fixed the corruption, the population explosion, the infrastructure, the hygiene and a multitude of other 3rd world problems so it probably would not have ever become Silicon Valley. Fast forward to today, I have fears about the future of India. The population is not going to lessen, the government will not become less corrupt. The extreme poor are not even looked at by the middle class. They are not seen or heard. Life is cheap if you are a poor, uneducated Indian living in India...

Yes there are many people who are uneducated but the problem is that 60% of the educated Indians leave India to move to countries like the States and make their country work. No offense but that's a fact

Like most democracies intellectual illiteracy is carefully propagated.

22 ICC

Indian Make/Convert ICC = Indian Cheating Council.

23 Crime

Crime is on the rise. Again reliable numbers are hard to get.

24 No Value for Human Life

Hundreds of thousands of human beings die on the streets, mostly due to hunger, poverty and ill health and no one seems to care for them, not the government to say the least.

25 Ethnic Diversity

People in India do not call themselves Indian but they call themselves as Punjabi, marvari, bihari, etc
India is divided into lots of castes...
Plus the religious diversity is the main cause of riots in India..
According to me Hindus and Muslims should not live in 1 country, Indian Muslims are very extremists, non secular, they do not consider them as Indians but as Muslims

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