Worst Things About Liberals in the USA

The Top Ten
1 They hate the USA

Oh, really? Don't tell me this list pertains to me, @RockFashionista. I may be liberal, but I love this country just as much any American citizen does. After all, I'm still staying in this country even though you-know-who won. It takes real love to stay in a country you know and love even if things don't go your way in that country.

I assume you mean they hate the USA because they are trying to make changes which is ridiculous. Seeing faults in something and wanting to make it better does not mean you hate it. If I read and go to the gym it doesn't mean I hate myself.

How? I'm a liberal, and I'm proud of my country. I'm not proud of the people running it though. So, me criticizing the government equals me hating America? And yet liberals get stereotyped...

Pretty much. All liberals do is complain and hate on everything about this country. They want to tear down the principals of this country that it has ran on for centuries!

2 They're close-minded

Wonkey: "I can bite you? " Now you
KNOW you wouldn't have the chops to say that face-to-face, so have your fun. You want a reason? Okay. If you don't understand how leftism has relentlessly assaulted the culture, the family, the Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self-defense, the separation of powers; if you don't understand liberalism created a massive, self-perpetuating welfare state resulting in
intractable crime, devastated and crumbling inner cities, generational poverty, non-functional schools, generations totally dependent on government, 20 TRILLION dollars in debt, and corrupt, career politicians, then you're incapable of understanding anything. "Obnoxious views." Beyond ironic.

@swellow: I've seen three generations come of age in my lifetime. There has NEVER been, until NOW, a generation so arrogantly self-assured, so convinced they know EVERYTHING, so convinced their perceptions and judgements are superior to those of people who've experienced three time as much life. And all while being pathetically uninformed, disinformed, (propagandized), and painfully ignorant of history, sociopolitics, basic civics, political philosophy, or the consequences of cleaving to their immature, naive beliefs. Don't try to challenge people on what they know when they WERE THERE, while you've only read about it.

Yes, it's the liberals who are stuck in their ways and refuse to move forward. They should embrace the traditional conservative values of women being subservient and of lesser value, only landowners being able to vote, and the God given right to own people.

This list is perfect proof conservatives are far more close minded

3 They believe in taking money from people who earn it

We work hard for our money! It's not fair that we should be equally as wealthy as everyone else because they are too lazy to work for it themselves.

That's communism not liberalism

True in some ways

4 Liberal teachers view public schools as ways to indoctrinate children

Liberals toss the "racist" accusation like a hand grenade, thinking everyone will dive for cover. No matter if its remotely true or not, if the accusation flies, they invalidate whatever you have to say. That way they don't need to actually listen.

"Almost racist? " Typical liberal, redefining reality. And you want to know why you're "stereotyped? " You all march in lockstep; mouthing the same pablum, embracing the same fantasies. Who is it that "lacks any common sense? "

She was the worst secretary of state in the history of the United States

Which is why you see the rank ignorance of the apoplectic commenters here on full display.

5 They burned the American flag when Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election

Yes, Because every liberal in the United States Participated in this.

And they were right to do so! Stupid Americans!
Comment from Europe.

Not because she lost. Because the Trump won.

6 They value opinions over facts

Interesting assertion in a list of unsubstantiated and easily rebuked opinions.

I value facts more than opinions or feelings, and I lean left.

"Facts don't care about your feelings" -Ben Shapiro

depends on how opinionated they are

7 They want to take away freedom to own guns

I think people should be free to own guns, but it should be restricted to people who don’t have a criminal record or a severe mental illness

I know this is terribly difficult for you to comprehend, but it's an actual, genuine, declared, inalienable constitutional RIGHT, unlike the conjured "rights" your philosophy embraces.

Taking away guns is a good thing. Blood only draws more blood. Us Aussies did the right Thing after Port Arthur. And to the Americans, having guns is not a human right and it never has been.

"Only the freedom of automatics? " Is that a failed attempt at sarcasm, or just genuine stupidity?

8 They refuse to admit that they're wrong

They are both right and wrong at times. Same goes for conservatives. This is why I am neither liberal nor conservative.

Yes. And they're proving that point right now on this list.

No beliefs are right nor wrong.

9 They're dumb

I lean left, but I have an IQ of 130.

They can be sometimes

Like this list?

But I’m not dumb, f stereotypes.

10 They claim there are many genders

I don’t like how some people disrespect and invalidate others who identify with a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth.
Sex is a biological term.
Gender is a social construct.
Know the difference.
Scientifically, there are 3 sexes: male, female, and intersex (someone born with both genitalia). Sex is a biological term that has to do with stuff like chromosomes and physical anatomy.
Gender is a social construct because of how the roles of each gender are evaluated in society. It is possible for someone to feel uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth. Just look at the millions of people who are transgender. There is actually a study that says that the brains of transgender people are more like the gender they wish to transition to and identify as than the gender they were assigned at birth. Even if you don’t like the idea of there being more than two genders, just know that it exists and you should get over it. If someone wishes ...more

There are two sexes, but more than two genders. Your sex refers to you assignment at birth based on your genitalia and your gender refers to what sex you feel like (sorry if that didn’t make sense)

I'm left leaning but I believe that there are only 2 genders.

I believe in two, this list is pure garbage can.

The Contenders
11 They talk up Hillary Clinton as a prominent woman in American politics
12 They are narcissists

I don't even like that guy! *points to his image in the mirror*

I hate myself sometimes

13 They support Islam

The worlds most homophobic religon, known for killing lgbt people, Democrats support islam but claim to support lgbt rights. At this point the left has broken down

Some Muslims are very nice

14 They attack and bash on other people's religions

Oh because this list is full of stereotypes?

No. This list is spot-on accurate.

15 They only say what people want to hear
16 They have no idea what they're talking about
17 Many of them are homophobic and racist, amongst other things
18 They are hypocrites
19 They'd rather support illegal immigrants who could be possible murderers than homeless military veterans who fought so they could live

What do you mean? Most military soldiers are white males, so they’re privileged and don't deserve anything! We need to give their house to these poor oppressed illegal immigrants who just killed a few bigoted white males to get across the border!

Liberals are retarded.

20 They claim to be left-wing, yet they're more closed-minded than many conservatives
21 They don't care about corruption
22 They love angering their opponents and then painting those opponents as the aggressors

This I believe is what most if not all American liberals in the modern age do nowadays. All they do is be perpetually offended, but when they see an opportunity to make something a sensation on the media, they will find a way to anger their opponent, lie about it, and then make it seem like the opposing side is the one in the wrong, the liar, the etc. And the other side, the conservatives, are considered the bad guys all the time. If the roles were reversed, wait a minute, they can't be reversed at all! Because the liberals are always the victims. If they are not the victims, they start by making themselves the victims if they aren't yet.

23 They are in favor of releasing violent criminals from prison

With the lame excuse "everybody deserves another chance".

24 Their hatred for actual left-wing ideologies (i.e socialism)

Not to forget the kkk is left wing

25 They reinforce the idea that there are only two choices that can be made politically (Democrat and Republican)

No there is the independents

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